How to become good friends with someone
It takes time to achieve a deep friendship with a person. It's a whole process that you have to follow, starting by introducing yourself, then getting to know the other person and eventually becoming their close friend over time. There are some people who manage to make friends easily, while for others it is much more complicated. There are, however, several proven tips that can help you build lasting friendships.
Get to know a person
Introduce yourself to the person you want to be friends with. All friendships start well at some point, and that's usually the introduction. Find the opportunity to greet the other person and give them your name, all without forcing too much.
For example, you can do this at school. It can help even more if you have friends in common with the person in question and you find yourself together in a group.
If it's at a party that you find yourself in his presence, you can introduce yourself to him, in order to have someone to talk to.
You can also introduce yourself if you have received an assignment to do together or that you have to work together on a project.
Ask questions about the person. When you have the chance, take the time to ask the other person questions about him. This way, you show him that you want to get to know him.
" Do you have any siblings ? If yes how much ? »
“What do you like to do in your free time? »
" Which sport do you practice ? »
“Do you like to cook? »
" What are your hobbies ? »
“Have you always lived in this region? »
“What is your favorite artist, band or style of music? »
“Do you like reading? What is your favorite book? »
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Also answer questions the other person asks you about yourself. Chances are that as you ask this person questions, they will answer and then ask about you as well. Be sure to take the time to respond and clearly give her the opportunity to get to know who you are too.
Friendships are two-way streets. This is why it is important that both parties involved feel that they know each other well. It is on this condition alone that you will be able to have a beautiful friendship.
Make discussion time fair. When answering the questions that the other has asked you, be sure to take about the same time as he did when answering yours so that you don't talk more than he did.
Avoid overly complicated topics. While you're still in the very early stages and getting to know each other, it's best to avoid personal or controversial topics.
Keep the discussion light-hearted and light-hearted. You can talk about things you want to know about each other or have in common.
If the discussion goes too far on a personal level, you can reframe it by saying, "I'm not ready to talk about this right now. Instead, tell me if you've ever attended a concert.
End the discussion or reframe it if you start bringing up controversial topics. You can say, "I think we each have our own opinions on this, so let's talk about more fun stuff instead."
Take the time to get to know this person. You should avoid bombarding him with several questions at once. You must get to know her, of course, but you have no interest in the other person having the impression that he is being interviewed.
As you meet your new acquaintance, whether at the mall or at school, you can seize the opportunity to learn a little more about him each time.
It may take you anywhere from a few weeks to a number of months to get to know this person. This does not have to happen instantly or after a few hours.
When you feel ready, exchange your contacts. When you feel you know this person well enough to consider a friendship with them, ask them if you can exchange contact information [1] . You have the possibility to share these means of contact depending on how you want to contact you:
telephone numbers, for messages or calls,
instant messaging identifiers without disclosing your telephone number,
email addresses,
usernames on social networking sites like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Lay the foundation for a friendly relationship
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Learn to be a good friend. If you want to be someone's best friend and therefore expect the other person to be the same to you, you have to start by being a good friend yourself.
Examine your personality and determine your weaknesses and strengths when it comes to friendships. Set a goal that will improve one of your weak points and help you become a better friend. For example, if you sometimes forget to reply to messages from your friends, you could set a goal of always replying to them after a few hours.
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Be yourself in the presence of your friend. You might not like it if you find out that your friend has a completely different personality than you originally thought. That's why you have to be yourself when you're with him.
Show him your eccentricities. Who knows, maybe he's doing the same thing too!
Show your sense of humor and tell the jokes you find funny.
Share your interests and hobbies, although there are people who think they are weird. However, they may interest your friend.
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Accept your friend as he is [2] . It is crucial that you do not try to turn your friend into something he is not. He's one of a kind, and just as you want to be accepted for who you are, your friend wants to be treated the same.
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Invite your friend to hang out with you. There are many activities you can do with your friend. Invite him to hang out with you so that you can strengthen your friendship [3] .
Go see a movie.
Go to an arcade.
Go shopping together.
Invite your friend over for dinner.
Invite your friend to play at your place.
Invite your friend to play video or board games.
Take part in a neighborhood competition together, such as a game of basketball or football.
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Remember milestones for your friend and celebrate them. On your friend's birthday, don't forget to give him a present, even if only a small one. He will also want you to congratulate him when he does well in a certain area, when he is accepted into a program or a group he wanted, or when he wins something.
Be sure to show sincere joy about what your friend is going through. Chances are he'll notice if you're not genuinely happy for him, and it will hurt your friendship.
If you also tried to get something at the same time, but you weren't successful (for example, if you tried to get into a certain program without success), don't be jealous of your friend. This is unhealthy behavior that will not allow your friendship to develop.
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Let your friend know you're ready to support them. Friends can rely on each other in difficult times, so make sure your friend knows you'll be there for them when they need you.
Try to be present when these difficult times arise. If, for example, your friend has an argument with another of his comrades or one of his brothers, be sure to help him through it.
Be someone your friend can rely on. One of the biggest aspects of a successful friendship is reliability. For this reason, if you tell your friend that he can count on your constant presence, you better prove it.
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Be honest and upfront with your friend. No viable relationship can be built on lies and secrets, which is why it is very important that you are honest and upfront.
When your friend asks for your opinion, give it honestly and politely.
Share your point of view in a friendly and polite way.
Avoid hiding things from your friend if possible, especially if the secrets in question have to do with him.
Strengthen a good friendship
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Show your friend that your friendship is valuable to you. You can do this in a number of different ways, and generally what you do will prove to the other person that you consider them a good friend. Here are some things you should always strive to do:
be trustworthy and reliable
be honest
stay yourself
support your friend
associate your friend with what you are doing
celebrate your friend's successes
bring help to your friend whenever he needs it
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Apologize if necessary. Give a valid excuse whenever you are unable to spend time with your friend. If he asks you to hang out with him, but you already had other obligations or something planned, tell him. Then suggest you make it up another day.
Suggesting that you catch up another time will show your friend that you do want to hang out with them and enjoy their company.
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Work on resolving any issues that may arise. No matter how much you have in common with your friend, you will end up having disagreements and arguments at some point. Go through these difficulties with your friend.
Apologize when necessary. If it is you who is at fault, then it is crucial that you take responsibility for your actions.
Come up with ideas that you and your friend can follow to solve the problem, instead of waiting for him to do it.
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Put yourself in your friend's shoes. Although you and your friend are very similar, you are still two separate individuals. You will therefore sometimes have to try to adopt his point of view in order to understand a problem.
Try to figure out why that particular problem is bothering or upsetting him. Find what's so irritating about it.
Don't minimize this if it turns out that it's not the kind of thing that particularly bothers you. Instead, try talking it over with your friend and finding strategies to deal with the situation.
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Respect the limits set by your friend. He might not want your help or involvement in all aspects of his life at times. It is crucial that you respect this and give it the necessary space [4] .
Even if one of you moves away, you can still have a good friendship. Reach out whenever possible and show your friend that you respect their needs.
Let your friend know you're always there for them, even if they need space.
You need to understand that you and your friend don't need to see each other every day. Each of you has your own life, obligations and schedule.
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Trust your friend. To have a good friendship, you have to trust each other. You can't expect your friend to trust you if you don't believe them yourself.
Always be upfront and honest with your friend, so he has no reason not to trust you.
Work on resolving any issues you will have with your friend so that you can continue to trust them.
Share your dreams and how you feel with your friend. This will let him know that you trust him, because you will have chosen to confide in him.
Forgive the mistakes your friend makes. Holding a grudge is emotionally unhealthy and will not allow your friendship to develop well [5] .
Be friendly and expressive when meeting someone new, but don't overdo it. Many people don't like clingy people , that is, those who are too dependent on another. Show your new friend that you want to be around him while giving him all the space he will need.
If someone you meet doesn't seem interested in a friendship, don't insist. She may change her mind later, but for now, it's the best choice to make to prevent your feelings from being violated.
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