how to meet a rich person

Many people want (unknowingly or not) to meet someone who is "rich" for various reasons, whether we like it or not. We can make this choice to stay at home and raise children, to concentrate on a vocation that is not yet remunerative or simply to have a certain material comfort. [1] As more and more women gain financial independence, they are less interested in finding the rich partner, but it is becoming more common among men. [2] You should have an intelligent and shrewd approach to things if you think material security is what matters most to you when choosing a partner to share your life with.






Meet Mr. or Mrs. Riche


Find out where the rich live in your area and track them down. Your choice will therefore be limited to millionaires and billionaires near you, unless you are counting on an extraordinary chance. Know who they are (their identity) and study their habits. Above all, you should develop a strategy to cross their paths repeatedly.

You should know where they work, where they go, if they have pets, if they support charity, have a favorite artist, and even their favorite vacation spot. Don't know where to start? Physically harassing someone is obviously illegal pretty much anywhere, so you're better off checking out Google.


Frequent places haunted by the elite. Go there, when you know where the high society is, or at least the person you are targeting. Walk your dog in the same place, go to the same store (as long as that person does the shopping themselves), and frequent the same bars and restaurants. We will soon ask you if we have not already seen you somewhere.

Be sure to dress accordingly wherever you go. No tycoon or wealthy heiress wants to pickle a slob or a bum. They want to appreciate someone who has a certain refinement and knows enough about this environment. You better adapt to the situation, if you find yourself in their territory.

This may require finding a suitable job. Many millionaires and billionaires have insane work schedules and it would be best to work with them to get their attention. Some women do not get a doctorate at university for nothing, which is a kind of privilege for them.


Participate in high-profile events, parties and other inaugurations. It's crazy to want to stick to someone's schedule to the minute, so you should spice it up a bit by living like the rich. If you don't have a specific target, this is a good way to find one! Go to sophisticated events such as the inauguration of an art gallery, an artistic gala evening and VIP parties in clubs and restaurants. Go through all the prestigious open houses and you will be led to establish some contacts, if you know how to maintain a discussion, of course.

At this point, you haven't won the game yet. When you finally find yourself at one of these places, you should have something to say too. And life is unfortunately not a fairy tale. It is unlikely that Prince Charming or the wealthy heiress will come to you spontaneously to offer you mountains of gold. Saying that you often bump into this person in the park when you walk your dog and you've never had a chance to be introduced isn't horrible and it's actually a solid introduction and common sense. Cause a click from there.


You can also go online. Wanting to meet someone interested has become acceptable these days, which says a lot about our times. The number of websites that continue to flourish on this subject is also a reflection of this. Go online, if you can't do it yourself. There are sites of rich Christians from all walks of life and there are also a handful that feature a few rich and pretty women. [3]

You should just be careful not to fall prey to a scammer. Any online activity is dangerous. Never reveal confidential information or give money to anyone you don't find completely trustworthy.

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Take part in a seminar, internships or find a high-level agency. You should also narrow your search to explore the plethora of choices available to you. Three things should be highlighted here.

As the interested meeting has become a real phenomenon of society (reality TV shows it amply) the seminars are constantly multiplying to give you tips on the best way to pin the person you need. Most of the time, these seminars are paid.

There are also coaches who can personalize the program offered during a seminar, who can help you manage your weaknesses and strengthen your strengths. They unfortunately tend to be even more expensive than seminars.

A manager of a luxury marriage agency can integrate you into his file full of wealthy clients. Registration fees are sometimes exorbitant, but this is not always the case. Do your research before committing and read all contract details carefully.



start a relationship

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Look sophisticated too. Do you want to attract the elite of society? So you have to give the impression of being part of it. High society socializes in a closed circuit, so you should find the right outfit if you want to enter it. You can immediately store your jeans and t-shirts in the back of the wardrobe.

In addition to wearing the right clothes, you should also pamper and maintain your body. Well-groomed hair, manicured nails (even if you're a man) and luminous, firm skin. To be part of the elite requires a certain look, which, do not doubt it, is necessarily beautiful.

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Familiarize yourself with sophistication. If you have the look, now you have to have the culture to match. If you walk into an art gallery and say that this painting by Picasso reminds you of a scene in Titanic where Leonardo was simply adorable, it will be understood that you have no business here. Knowing how to follow a discussion will make a better impression. So you should know the habits of good society. Plus, you'll also feel better about yourself if you have something interesting to say.

Start by really taking an interest in this environment. Are you attending an open day? Familiarize yourself with the real estate market in your area and the home buying process. Are you haunting an art exhibition? Research the artist in question and their peers. Have you mentioned a stay in the Seychelles when you have never been there? Also cover your back with this type of story. It's all about staying credible and doing it smartly.

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Make sure the person is really rich. An interested person is not an individual who will target prey and bleed it dry. Rather, it is a person who seeks a wealthy party to be spoiled materially. The last thing to do would be to find an ordinary individual and just take them for what they're worth. It is simply not fair.

Also, make sure he or she is free. You are not going to be the lover or the mistress of service, in addition to being already an interested person. It's not good for your karma. Moreover, you probably know that his property is already bequeathed by half, if the person is married.

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Know if the person became rich on their own or if they came from a wealthy background. Although this is a generalization, it should be noted that millionaires and billionaires who have made their own fortunes generally do not have the same origins as the wealthy heirs. Self-enriched people are ambitious, driven, and brilliant, and their accomplishments are there to prove it. On the other hand, the heirs are more dependent on the environment in which they were born and on the fortune of their parents. At the end of the day, they all have money, but you should know their origins to know what to expect.

Self-made millionaires are somehow closer to reality. This is not the case for heirs, so they may not be the best option for you. So you might expect a more interesting journey with the genre that got rich on the wrist and take this advice with a grain of salt.

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Be honest about what you want. Be realistic: if you're not stupid, neither are they. You want money and to be taken care of and they are looking for a cute and funny person to cherish and show off. So you should talk about it. Be open and sincere, you are both adults. Putting your cards on the table right away commands respect and starts your romantic relationship off on the right foot.

You can tell the person something like, “I can support you if you can afford it on your own. If you can't, I can't help you either, can I? if you're not sure where to start. This requires a fairly blunt frankness, but it will be difficult to say no to such an argument.

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Offer sex, but not yet in bed. You don't need to lie down, even if you were bought a yacht, an apartment in the Bahamas and a gigantic diamond. Make him understand. You can do this when you're comfortable and when you want to show your appreciation. But don't feel you have to if you don't feel like it. Make yourself desired. He (or she) will never let you down if he really wants you. Sex should never be a categorical imperative.

It is good to let the person believe that you will succumb later. You're not rigid or prudish, you just want to get to know the person better and spend more time with them before taking the leap. And who could blame you? That's what any respectable person would do.



Succeed the relationship

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Make sure you're on the same page when it comes to love. It's time to get serious: some men and women will expect you to fall in love with them, while others won't. Some are looking for true love and others only want tenderness. What situation are you in? You should know that.

How are you going to find out? You'll probably have enough intuition to guess whether your wealthy partner is head over heels in love with you or not. Just ask him if you don't know. Does this person believe in true love? What is his idea of ​​a perfect romantic relationship? You can beat around the bush on this to get an idea of ​​how people feel about you.

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Claim what you want. There's nothing very appealing about seeing a luxury watch in a store window and whining because you can't afford it. Instead, you should tell your sweetheart that you have a very sexy outfit for the gala evening the next day and that you have just seen what you need to complete it. Don't take your eyes off the person and smile. When are you two going to enter the store to buy it?

Don't worry too much about playing coy. You both know how to maintain this relationship. Don't overstate your requirements. Don't claim everything you see. But if you want something, say so. We will certainly want you to be happy and that you are with him (or her).

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Be bubbly and sociable in his company. Wealthy men and women don't date people who are just interested in entertainment. They'll probably expect you to be high-spirited, sociable, and easy-going, especially if you're taken to those extravagant high-society parties. And if you're not in the mood for it, you'll have to pretend. It's part of the contract. If you don't want to, we will certainly find someone else who will agree.

Even if it doesn't interest you, but hopefully it does, you should do your best to appreciate the world around you, even if it's completely foreign to you. Talk to his friends and smile with all your perfectly white teeth. Chat, laugh and your partner will be delighted by your presence.

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Agree on the chapter of fidelity. Let's be honest: you agreed to this relationship for financial reasons. The partner accepted her for reasons of his own. Often, this type of private arrangement does not imply fidelity. After all, you haven't engaged your feelings. Does it suit you? Has an agreement been reached between you? Can he (or she) cheat on you because he has money? What type of arrangement is it? In such situations, unfortunately, fidelity issues are rarely taken into account.

Many men and women are looking for material security, because it gives them a certain prestige, even if the partner is cheating on them. This can somehow limit the damage. You could accept this kind of arrangement. You just need to know if it suits you or not. [4]

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Seal your relationship. You should consider formalizing your relationship if you want to keep this lifestyle forever. It can be fun to be nurtured, but it can get pretty tough if your target's sources of income seem to dry up. Make sure you have a proper marriage contract prepared by a notary.

That said, you are committing for life. Know what you will become if he loses his fortune. What are you going to do if the person is broke? If his pensions plummet? If his business collapses? Are you going to leave this person because they can no longer support you financially? Is this approach in line with your principles?



Recognize obstacles

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Expect competition. A rich person attracts people like a drop of blood attracts sharks. Many people will start circling around it to grab a piece of it and you are one of those predators. You will not be alone in the running, the competition will be fierce. [5] It's completely normal and it's part of wealth. Keep some composure and watch your back and you should be fine.

You might reach a point in the relationship where you have to tell your partner what's okay with you and what you don't want. So he's ostensibly flirting with these models? Is that one of the things you should learn to accept? And even if you mention your needs, we might not comply. This is, after all, part of the charms of wealth.

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Be aware that he might demand your submission if he talks to you. It is very common that those who support their partner financially are also those who feel that everything is due to them. They are, after all, the ones paying the bill. [6] Your wealthy sweetheart expects you to do whatever he demands and make you happy. You are part of his possessions. It can work if you tolerate this type of situation.

You will probably have to leave your personality in the locker room. Can you accept this? Will you still be happy if that's the case? Do you believe it is worth submissive to maintain? Only you know your limits.

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Realize that you will always have to stay beautiful and fit. Again, your darling will not have chosen you by chance. Chances are he or she is looking for an Adonis or a Venus. You will therefore have to preserve your beauty and your form to fulfill your part of the contract. We will remain rich for you and you will remain sublime for him.

It's pretty unfair to expect anything else from you. It may seem vain and superficial, but you wouldn't have been with this person if they didn't have the money, would you? It's only justice. You can walk away and your partner can too.

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Don't try to change the person. A rich partner can sometimes (but not always) feel guilty for not wanting to change. Beware if you try to do so. You could quickly be confronted with the harsh reality. [7] It is likely that he wants to keep his habits. If you don't like them, he'll find someone else who will be fine with them.

Here is another hypothetical situation. He offers you money and you say yes. It basically boils down to this. Not every man or woman will react this way, but some will. You should know if it's worth it, if there's something about the person you don't like.

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Expect to be hated. When it's clear that you're interested, some people will enjoy insulting you and saying bad things about you behind your back. You will be treated as either an opportunist or a dowry runner. People of your sex will give you the wrong look. What can you do there? Ignore them. They would do like you if they had the chance.

Just drop it. There is no need to get angry or want to understand. These are probably people you don't even know or who you don't care about. They like brunettes and pomegranates and you prefer big bank accounts and the Grenadines. If you avoid judging others, you won't be judged either.


Show kindness. Do not mistreat the person or demand force. Remain sympathetic, respect this partner and encourage him if he wants to spoil you.




There are many cases of men who went berserk and sometimes violent when they realized they had been scammed. Hunt for the rich is a scam commonly used by Mozart swindlers to embezzle money.

Make sure the person is unmarried and does not have a family to support. You don't want to hurt anyone, you are just looking for a rich partner to make them and yourself happy.

Fortune hunters and huntresses are often seen as lacking in morality. Do you really want to go this route? You may realize over time that material possessions no longer make you happy. Others may judge you and speak ill of you. You should carefully consider your solutions and your values ​​before making such a decision.


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