How to become friends with a girl


How to become friends with a girl

In this article: Start a friendship Cultivate a friendship become good friends Related articles References

Is there a girl you would like to be friends with? You like talking to her and she makes you laugh, so why not? You find her amusing and you would like to spend more time with her. Maybe she even has some beautiful friends to introduce you to! Here's how to become friends with her.






Start a friendship


Go to the same places as her. To become friends with a girl, you will have to get to know her first. A girl will not be able to be comfortable with a stranger who simply walks up to her, starting a conversation on a trivial topic. But if you meet often in the same places, this barrier will fall. You will no longer be scary. Are you in any of his classes? Do you share a hobby? Great !

It is actually proven that human beings like more the things to which they are more exposed. This is the reason why the same song plays over and over on the radio and why commercials repeat themselves endlessly. So the more she is exposed to "you", the more she will like you. In psychology, this is called the single-exposure effect (in case you're curious  [1] ).

If you have to, put yourself in his line of sight. Does she always sit on the left side of the classroom? Can you find her at a certain Starbucks on Wednesday afternoons? If you know where she will be, be there from time to time as well. As long as you don't breathe down his neck, you're on the right track.


Interact with her. Now that you both know who each other is and have a little something in common, you should interact with her. It could be as simple as a passing remark about your professor's ridiculous tie, or you could ask a question about what she's doing next week. Don't be afraid to start small, because after all, you have to start somewhere.

She's a "girl", not a magician, a foreigner or an Ewok. She's just one girl and there are billions of them on the planet. When you ask her a question or give her a funny comment, you won't spontaneously catch fire and the world won't explode. If she is friendly with you, she will be happy to answer you.

Don't go too hard! Friendships are made over time, and you can really make a girl uncomfortable if you treat her like your best friend when you've just met, especially if she's shy and unsociable.


Be bold. Many people are shy when it comes to reaching out to others. She might appreciate having a new friend like you, but she won't become vulnerable and question everything. Be bold and spark the conversation. Ask her for her opinion on things, ask her about your classes, hobbies, mutual friends, and keep the conversation going.

Note what she's wearing, things she has with her, or things she seems interested in. Be careful. Does she read wikiHow on her phone? Awesome, you were just reading this article the other day about how to regain control of a scared camel. What is her favorite item?


Make her laugh. The easiest way to befriend someone is to make that person laugh. When she knows she'll be with you, she also knows she'll have a great time: bingo! Understand his sense of humor and chain the good times.

This is a way to keep the situation as light and fun as possible. Making her laugh will let her know that you're just trying to have a good time with her, whether it's the middle of the 5th period of your history class which is getting very boring or after a particularly intense practice that took up all of your Thursday. evening. Brighten her days and she will want to remain your friend.



Cultivate a friendship


Treat her like a girl. Most girls need to know that you are aware that she is a girl and that you think she is pretty, even if you don't want to date her. Although you should consider her a normal person, don't treat her like a male friend. Hold the door for her, cover her if she's cold, text her if she's having a hard time, tell her she's pretty before a big event, do the little things. If you don't, she might start wondering what's wrong with her.

Be delicate with this. A little flirting is a good thing, it should be done well and you should use your good judgment. You wouldn't want her to imagine things! Just think you're a gentleman to her. Don't act like you have a romantic interest, but be a little more chivalrous than with your friends when spending evenings playing XBox.


Be precious to her. This stage has absolutely nothing to do with becoming friends with a girl, but it has everything to do with just making friends. Do you have friends who bring you nothing? Probably not. So have some value for her. The “value” will depend on you. What are you good at? What do you know ? Why should she want to spend time with you? What makes you a good friend?

Yes, there are answers to all these questions. Maybe you're really smart, funny, or know a lot of different people. Maybe you have traveled a lot or have an interesting hobby. Focus on what sets you apart and build on it. If you're smart, help her with a homework, if you're funny, make her laugh, if you have a lot of contacts, introduce her to new people she might like. Highlight yourself.

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Compliment her. Girls love compliments that are genuine. As long as you make it clear to her that you don't want to date her, she'll appreciate the compliments. Is she wearing an awesome Daft Punk t-shirt? Tell him! Did she play well at the volleyball game last night? Tell him! Everyone likes to feel good about themselves. Make her feel that way.

This can be a bit tricky. You shouldn't tell him, "Your eyes are like reflections of the moon that see into my soul." Also, don't say, "Oh my god, you're so smart!" when she had an 11/20 on the biology exam. Your compliments should be well-placed, believable, and shouldn't be corny. Try to deflect situations and give her compliments in a subtle way. “Do you have 11/20? Ouch. I guess that's what happens when you spend all your time mastering a language, flute, basketball! »

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Lend him your equipment and borrow his. Your iPod, your laptop, your books, your guitar and everything else. You should both be okay with sharing valuables with each other. Don't offer to lend her something for no reason, because she'll know it's a technique. Wait for the opportunity to present itself.

Or, you could create the occasion. Did you miss a class the other day? Ask him to borrow his notes. Does she have the 4th season of Dexter? You should definitely borrow the series from him now! It goes both ways, of course, but you could kick things off. When you ask her to borrow something from her, you are letting her know that she has the right to borrow things from you as well.

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Laugh at his jokes. Since you often crack jokes, she'll probably try to do the same. If they aren't funny, force yourself. She tries and it's cute. Laughter will bond you together, even if the joke isn't worthy of a Facebook status.

Friends often tease each other. Even if it's a girl, you might still make fun of her! If she tells a really bad joke, you have the right to tease her a little. This interaction will somehow build the solidarity between you and as long as you do it in good faith, she will respond to you with a smile.



become good friends

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Always be there when she needs you. She should know that she can always count on you. That you give her a shoulder if she needs to cry when her relationships with the boys aren't going well. That you drive her to the train station in the middle of the night so she doesn't drive home in torrential rain (don't be too romantic and epic, she might be a fan of romantic comedies). That you are studying with her for a very difficult exam. You shouldn't have to tell her, after a while she'll figure it out on her own.

Girls are emotional. When they become emotional, they sometimes become irrational. When she's like that, it's important to listen to her. She probably won't expect a real solution, no matter how much she complains. Being there, listening to her, and telling her that she can handle whatever she's going through will be very valuable to her. You may find that the next day it will be like new! These are the women...

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Tell your male friends that she's your friend, period. If they want to go out with her, great, but always be careful. It will also put them on the right path. And that's what it's like to be a true friend. After all, she's kind of like your sister, only better (you don't argue in the bathroom).

Tell your girlfriend she's your friend! Sometimes girls are a little intimidated by other girls, but if you bring up the subject like it's a trivial matter, your girlfriend should (normally) have no problem with it. Who knows, maybe they will get along well together!



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Be open about your feelings. There's a school of thought that says boys and girls can't just be "friends." At some point, she will either have feelings for you or you will have feelings for her. If that happens (which it could), stay open about it. The worst is not knowing what the other is thinking. Avoid this by being direct.

Since you are such good friends, you can do it! Hopefully she'll be straight with you too. If you're starting to notice any ambiguous signs and you think she might be developing feelings, let her know how much you appreciate her "friendship." There are tricky ways to tell her you're really just friends without hurting her feelings. Nip the problem in the bud as soon as you can!


Behave the same way with her as with your friends. Don't start telling stupid jokes or trying to be cool just because you're with your friends. Girls hate it!

Don't touch her too much, a girl may take it badly and feel uncomfortable. Hugs, claps, raised fists, pats on the head and pinches in the cheeks are acceptable.

Don't have perverted conversations with her or against her. This can happen with your male friends, but in most cases with a girl, it will just make her want to throw up and definitely make her reluctant to want to hang out with you. If you have no respect for her then why should she be friends with you?


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