An insurance school is a higher technical educational institution, in close contact both with the world of teaching and with the company's world, whose training programs are constantly adapting to the needs and Requirements of recruiters.

This great proximity with insurance companies makes insurance schools have the ability to show very fine listening and developing great sensitivity from the labor market, which considerably multiplies chances. For graduates from these schools to quickly find a firm job at the end of their curriculum and / or their training.

Three criteria are to be taken into consideration to assess the validity of an insurance school:

(1) the recognition of this school within the profession (in the world of insurance and brokerage, in this case),
(2) The qualification of the members of the Scientific Council (responsible for developing the educational programs of the curriculum and training) and teachers responsible for teaching the courses and the evaluation of students and / or participants during the examinations.
3) the validity of the diplomas it delivers.

Effect schools Effect, plus an insurance school maintains close relationship with the professional actors in the insurance sector and has a good reputation with them, the more it means that his courses meet their expectations in terms of recruitment and that its teaching methods are indirectly recognized by employers who welcome the students it forms.

In addition, the qualification of the members of the scientific council and teachers involved in an insurance school is very important, since the latter occupy high positions in companies operating in a field of activity. of insurance or brokerage (for the members of the Scientific Council) or contiguous to that of the subject taught (in the case of teachers of the insurance school), the more they are able to be at the heart of the problems From the sector, to take up height compared to the subjects they have to deal with and therefore, to develop an educational program or to provide high quality education.

Insurance Schools - Graduate, the criterion of the validity of diplomas and titles that an insurance school delivers is very important because it avoids students and / or participants to engage a training course leading to the issuance of A title and / or a diploma not benefiting from any recognition or at the national level or at the international level, let alone at the professional level.

As a result, in order to assess the validity of an insurance school, it is necessary to ensure that the diplomas or securities it delivers are accredited by an institutional body (in the context of initial training) or by a professional organization ( In the context of continuing education), as this accreditation is a guarantee for students or participants that the training undertaken will lead to recognition both academically and in the labor market.

There are three main prestigious insurance schools in France:

- The School of Insurance (ESA), recognized for the quality of its training courses and for its close proximity to the employers and recruiters of the business world (this insurance school is currently led by Monsieur Patrice Michel Langlémé, former Deputy Executive Director, among others, of AXA, then GAN),

- The National School of Insurance (ENASS), created in 1947 to meet the training needs of the employees of the insurance sector and endowed with the status of Institute of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM),

- The Institute for Training of the Insurance Profession (IFPASS), self-defining as "the reference training organization of the insurance profession".

In this presentation of insurance schools, we will limit ourselves to presenting these three institutions (which are the three major national institutions), by stopping more specifically on the School of Insurance (ESA), which presents the specificity of proposing At the same time, within a single institution, insurance training for students, on the one hand, and active professionals, on the other.

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