ESA Customer Training Program

Customer Training - CQP Curriculum Curriculum Proposed by the Higher Ecole of Insurance consists of 4 educational units for a total of 600 hours of training, the 600 hours of training to be completed by 150 hours minimum of Application in a host enterprise where the candidate will be accompanied and evaluated regularly by a tutor.

It should be remembered that this Customer-responsible training provided by ESA can be followed in a presential, alternately or remotely.

[For more information, see the following pages:

- Customer Training
- Alternating customer training training
- Remote customer training training]

The detailed program of the ESA Customer Training is as follows:

U.I: Customer Relationship Management

- The basic techniques of commercial communication.
- The face-to-face relationship.
- Attitudes and behaviors adapted to commercial maintenance.
- The preparation of the visit.
- The discovery of the customer.
- the presentation of the offer, the negotiation and the conclusion.

U.II: offer the best offer and satisfy the customer

U.II. 1
- the actors of the risk market.
- The fundamental laws of insurance.
- the different categories of insurance.
- the legal rules of the insurance contract.

U.II. 2
- Life insurance, wealth management tool.
- The different life insurance products.
- other financial and savings financial tools.

U.II. 3.1
The different customer segments in terms of insurance damage to the individual.
- The main products:
- Car insurance,
- Housing multi-risk,
- Complementary Health.

U.II. 3.2
Claims settlement agreements.

U.II. 4
- the business market in the damage insurance:
- Fire contracts.
- Loss insurance.
- Civil liability contracts.
- Automotive fleet insurance contracts.
- co-insurance and risk reinsurance.
- The implementation of a corporate diagnosis to appreciate the risks.
- Explanation of contracts adapted to a given situation and risk pricing.
- Explanation of key preventive and risk protection measures.

U.II. 5
- The collective insurance market:
- Typology of group insurance,
- The main social regimes, TS, TNS, agricultural, special,
- the employee pension plan,
- employee savings,
- The provisions of social law (collective agreements) and fiscal (Articles 82, 83, 39), applicable to a given situation.

U.II. 6
- Various risk insurance:
- Flight insurance,
- ice broken insurance,
- water damage insurance,
- protection and prevention,
- The basic rules of subscription verification, pricing.

U.II. 7
- the logic of tariffs and pricing based on the risks to be covered.

U.III: develop and globalize the portfolio

U.III. 1
- market analysis techniques:
- Analysis and characteristics of a portfolio,
- The different prescriptions.

U.III. 2
- the different prospecting techniques:
- Develop a prospecting strategy,
- Design Prospecting Assistance Tools,
- Development of prospecting plans from the analysis and management of the client file,
- Loyalty marketing,
- The sale by phone.

U.iv: follow and manage

U.iv. 1
- power supply and management of the client file,
- Analysis of the profitability of a contract.

U.iv. 2
- construction of a dashboard and fixing the follow-up indicators,
- Coordinate the various operations that lead to compliance with the emission deadlines and the quality of the contractual documents, as well as the recovery of premiums.
Title issued at the end of the CQP CURSUS ASSURANCE OF ESA

Customer-Customer Training Participants who have successfully completed the ESA Customer Training Curricula, having been received at the validation exams of educational units, will be awarded the title of "Certificate of Professional Qualification, in charge of Customer (all branches) ".

The "Certificate of Professional Qualification (CQP), Customer Manager (all branches)" is a title issued by the National Joint Employment and Training Commission (brokerage branch).
Main trades accessible with CQP training in ESA clientele

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