Gesture control



Progress forward

Chain run - catch the ball - dribble to go to the basket

Long pitch, I cross in short passes with (or without) studs ; with and without dribbling


5 round trips, count loss of ball

Even principles come to a standstill

Pass in partner's dribble

Do not move face to face

Run to stand slightly in front of the PB to receive his pass


I run forward while catching on the side

Not chased away and missing back

As soon as I reach the key space to stop and shoot (or shoot while running)

Baseline situation

Team play on a large field

Starting from a pass situation at 10

Chain with ball to the captain to finish on typical basketball game situation

Stand out forwards and /: or come back in support

Raise your head to find solutions when you have the ball : " who is alone and forward "  

The ball progresses forward to the basket on each team possession

I move away from the defenders by moving towards the basket

Return to calm

Grouping around the teacher

Stretching during the discussion

Talk to the students to find out the highlights of the session

Understanding of goals and students talk about possible progress for themselves and / or their teams

Check for continued seizure or take D E P if possible if conditions are conducive to asthma

                            Orientation of the next session : reduce the loss of ball in the game in motion (especially in passing), continue the work of demarcation             


Integrating students with asthma in E ducation P hysical and S portive


Stakes for EPS




. address all students


. prepare all students for the management of adult physical life




contact allergens : mites, animals, pollen



inhalation of pollutants : smoke, exhaust gas, etc.



viral illnesses : common cold that can cause a seizure



taking medication : aspirin ...



food intake :



stress :



effort :



climatic conditions :





Student - parents




Family doctor




Total incapacity


Rare case : asthma is persistent and the immune defense fragile. The crises are numerous and severe.  



No physical practice





Reception in progress with particular project


Danger of inactivity





  Arbitration, coaching




Self-image : handicap


Habit of inactivity



Find an interest in tasks other than that

of the group



Adapted academic tests ?


Partial incapacity



constant asthma and / or exercise asthma





asthma is allergic, moderate attacks










Identical activities within the classroom





Cannot do certain activities


Prohibited activities


Horse riding…






Adaptation of the rules, duration, intensity and / or scale



Stay with the class but do another activity in parallel


Change group according to the cycles to practice an adapted activity (ex : a pupil allergic to chlorine has changed class in EPS)






Ensure working methods and good asthma management





Find the PSA that allows him to invest without harming his health and adapt accessible performance

Issues for the asthmatic student




. increase your tolerance to exercise

. improve self-esteem

. increase self-confidence

. improvement of physical and psychological well-being

. minimize respiratory impairment

. exercise your breathing capacity

. Build muscle mass for the lungs





School life


CA / internal regulations


School doctor and nurse




Punctual incapacity


momentary crisis


asthma attack the night before resulting in fatigue overload


asthma is allergic ,

         moderate seizures







Cannot practice the activity for a reduced period

or only part



Stay with the class but do another activity in parallel


Help with the course


Practice with adapted practice conditions (adapted class)





Make sure to keep the student in a group dynamic and promote gradual reintegration




Preventive treatment





asthma is mild, attacks rare





Identical activities within the classroom




Preparation for the effort and

specific recovery




Ensure a favorable practice environment

  1 Observatory college - high school   / ac. Créteil -  12/20/2020 



Cycle Endurance - 6 th September to November 03                                         


              Sessions offered for the first cycle of the year to 3 classes 6 th . Out of 5 asthmatic students, 3 chose to practice the same sessions as the other students. 2 preferred to carry out the sessions which were sometimes adapted.

              The aim of the cycle is : to run sportily for 20 minutes without stopping . The objective is for the students to find an active running pace : “ sporty ” ( and not “ pseudo ” races where the students drag their feet creating trauma s on the knees and back and cannot be reused in other activities ) and which allow them to go a long distance. In order to remain in a sporting practice, we differentiate an “ easy ” running pace (jogging type) from a “ sporting ” running pace (where the pace is sustained while being achievable over time). The session patterns vary according to the types of students (eg : over a 6-minute sequence, the group wins a point if everyone passes the marker at the signal , for other classes, we compare two groups and we gives penalties / competition …) but the content remains the same for all the students during the sequences.            





Session objectives

Teacher interventions

A ttentions / asthma

Advice / asthma

Specific contents

Points impo r tives session

Adapted session

Session 1

Know how to warm up

Learn to run active and placed

Insists on warm-up rules

Guide student running attitudes

Help pupils to locate the level of fatigue (pulse, sensation, breath, etc.)

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drug available and taken

Drinking a little is ... profitable (it prevents the bronchi from drying out too quickly)


Review the precautions related to the practice of asthma


At the start of the cycle : practically identical sessions to integrate all the students into the class.


The work being fractional and of short duration, little risk of provoking a crisis and form of work which is not very stressful .


The work of the asthma patient will be important on the breath : after the effort, become aware of the shortness of breath (is it strong and / or normal)  

Insist on nasal breathing during walking phases (this is easier to achieve than when running)


Search for sensations, measurement of the DEP for a student with his device.


The test can sometimes be a source of anxiety or just difficult because you can run for quite a long time . So we adapt… with the cooperation of the asthmatic student to find a working group.


At the start of the cycle : objective 1 , string together running and walking sequences without interruption to symbolize a long effort but with fractional work that does not lead to a long run (<5 min so as not to trigger a BIE) 


Be careful to finish the sessions with a walking or gradually decelerated sequence so as not to cause a sudden stop of the exercise which can be restrictive for the asthma sufferer


Continuation of the cycle : objective 2 , gradually increase the duration of the sequences to push back the threshold of tolerance to the effort. (and achieve longer aerobic work)


We remain alert to the signs announced iat owers of IBE


It is interesting to keep a " slow " start to the race to accustom the asthmatic student to gradually start his effort. 


We notice that as they grow older, students cope better with the duration of the efforts (positive growth and training ?)

Passive stretching : active - segmental mobilization

Footwork and active stride on slats and small hedges

Use of arms and sheathing

Jogging /                          

Stretching / all 20 '                          

Educational race /            

4 times 5 'race with 2' walk recovery

Cool down - 5 ' stretches            

Same session but the warm-up varies : alternation of run / walk sequences instead of jogging

Session 2

Learn to run active and placed

Use stopwatch and workout program alone and in groups

Insists on warm-up rules

Guide student running attitudes

Help students to respect time and space guidelines (e.g. tps / lap) 

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drug available and taken

Same as session 1

“ Signature ” work : active support  

Breathing rhythm

Jogging /                          

Stretching / all 20 '                          

Educational race /            

5 times 4 'race with 1' walk recovery

Cool down - 5 ' stretches            

Same session but the warm-up varies : alternation of run / walk sequences instead of jogging

Session 3

Perform a test to organize groups of levels

Test students' endurance qualities

Guide student running attitudes

Organize the smooth running of the test and take results

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drug available and taken

Same as session 1

Test : run a given distance (120m) at a gradually accelerated speed for as long as possible

" College-specific test " 

Jogging /                          

Stretching / all 20 ' =                          

Educational race / warm-up. oriented            

Endurance test on a handball field

Cool down - 5 ' stretches            

Sequences of 5 laps of the field repeated 6 times : find the pace where you feel good (according to chrono on the 5 T choose a group or race program)

Session 4

Identify and regulate a " sporty " running pace 

Distribute students with similar racing rhythms

Ensures compliance with race sheets and adapts groups according to affinities (fatigue, roles, leader, etc.)

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drug available and taken

Stride amplitude work on plots

Running work with defined rhythms :

" Easy " : 5s more per turn  

" Sportsman " : optimal time estimated by test  

" Fast " : 5s less per turn  

15 'oriented warm-up

3 * 6 minutes (athletic - easy - athletic) with 2 min walking recovery

Cool down - 5 ' stretches            

15 'oriented warm-up

5 ' C ourue - 2' M archer - 5 ' C ourue / 2 times

Cool down - 5 ' stretches

Session 5

Identify and regulate a “ sporty ” running gait that best suits the student 

Distribute students with similar racing rhythms

Ensures compliance with race sheets

Depending on the fatigue of the pupil, the g rou pes

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drug available and taken

Running work with defined rhythms

Slats on course to obtain race quality during the race sequences

15 'oriented warm-up

3 * 7 minutes (athletic - fast - Easy) with 2 min walking recovery

Cool down - 5 ' stretches            

15 'oriented warm-up

2 'M - 4' C - 2 'M - 7' C - 2 'M

Cool down - 5 ' stretches

Session 6

Test a " sporty " running pace 

(formative evaluation and / or final evaluation if the student is absent during the last session)

Ensures compliance with race sheets

Corrects racing attitudes

See with the students the possible adaptations / paces / evaluation

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drug available and taken

Slats on the course to obtain stroke amplitude during the " easy " running sequence (spacing approx. 1 meter) 

15 'oriented warm-up

20 min test at " easy " pace with 5 min walking recovery 

5 min at " easy " pace : active recovery  

Cool down - 5 ' stretches            

15 'oriented warm-up

2 'M - 6' C - 2 'M - 9' C - 2 'M


Cool down - 5 ' stretches

Session 7

Manage your " sporty " running pace 

Manage your breathing

Ensures that race plans are respected by announcing passage times

Corrects the attitudes of races (do not drag your feet ...) and insists on the long exhalation

Depending on the student fatigue , vary the g rou pes

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drugs available and taken

Running work with defined rhythms without stopwatch but with file

Slats on course to obtain race quality during the race sequences

15 'oriented warm-up

8 '" athletic " + 6' " easy " + 8 '" athletic " with 2 ' walking recovery     

Cool down - 5 ' stretches            

15 'oriented warm-up

2 'M - 8' C - 1 'M - 12' C - 1 'M

Cool down - 5 ' stretches

Session 8

Manage your " sporty " running pace 

Manage your breathing

Ensures that race plans are respected by announcing passage times

Corrects the attitudes of races (do not drag your feet ...) and insists on the long exhalation

Depending on the student fatigue , vary the g rou pes

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drug available and taken

Running work with defined rhythms

Slats on course to obtain race quality during the race sequences

15 'oriented warm-up

10 '" athletic " + 5' " easy " + 10 " athletic " with 2 ' walking recovery     

Cool down - 5 ' stretches            

15 'oriented warm-up

2 'M - 10' C - 1 'M - 10' C - 2 'M

Cool down - 5 ' stretches

Session 9

Final assessment : 20-minute test


Ensure that the scorecards are correctly completed during the assessment

As usual ... encourage students to do the best they can

! weather

! presence of asthma

! drug available and taken

All students have successful testing of 20 - 30 minutes ( 7 classes), including students with asthma and even with much higher performance are the class average 

Race around the handball field with time taken every 5 laps (penalties : 3pts stops , 2 pts walk , 1pt dragging ...)

15 'oriented warm-up

Test 20 min 5 min at " easy " pace : active recovery  

Calm down - stretching - assessment of cycle  5 '

Identical test




              " Asthma " : (Denis Vincent ; collection : daily health) ;     


              “ Living with asthma ” : (Pierre Duroux, Marie Dominique Leborgne ; daily health collection ) ;                  


              “ Living well with asthma ” : (Dr Dennewald… ; Masson edition) “ I recommend it : simple and complete to understand asthma ”                                   


              “ First aid ” (Frédéric Passini ; Hachette edition) ;   


               “ Asthmatic students and EPS ” : EPS review n ° 261 by Guyard-Bouteiller , Daney- Bonardot, Blanot ;                   


              " Asthma and EPS " : review EPS 270 by De Bisschop   




and links










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