emergency for an asthmatic student

In the case of a session, competition, school trip ...


- Fast-acting bronchodilator (to keep on hand) ;          

- Peak flow meter ;          

- Name and number of the attending physician and / or pulmonologist ;          

- DMARDs (for travel)        


              Depending on the importance of the asthma and the doctor's prescription (to be checked with the nurse):


- beta-2 mimetic injectable subcutaneously ;          

- material for subcutaneous injection (syringe, needle, alcohol pad)        

- rin te corticosteroid tablets        

- the last prescription from the doctor if you need to renew your treatment        


 E n France, every doctor must issue a puffer rapid-acting bronchodilator if the student misses on presentation of an expired prescription or if you show a bottle      






              The examples given below are the sole responsibility of the author. They are the image of adaptations and / or instructions adapted for students with asthma. There is no specific session for this inaptitude but an adjustment according to the presence or not of a respiratory discomfort during the EPS session. More particular attention is paid to the running activity, taking into account the factor triggering this type of effort on the bronchi of the asthmatic student. The situations, lessons   and cycle s are not built only on a scientific approach linked to the disease because the presence of students with asthma s is not a majority . My first adjustments made were inspired , on the one hand, by two articles in the journal EPS (“ pupils asthmatic and EPS ” review EPS n ° 261 by Guyard-Bouteiller, Daney-Bonardot, Blanot and “asthme et EPS ” review EPS 270 by De Bisschop ) . On the other hand , I took support on a personal experience as a teacher of EPS and sports club .. . has sthmatique ( type of allergic and effort). Students often complete the same lesson. Only taking into account a difficulty in breathing leads to changes in the intensity, duration and form of the exercise offered to students with asthma .     


              Words of asthma (written assessment at the end of the cycle)



  1 Observatory college - high school   / ac. Créteil -  12/20/2020 



Integrating students with asthma in E ducation P hysical and S portive

Cycle : Course duration Class : 6 th                                                                                                                                                            


Cycle objectives : - to be able to run for 20 minutes without stopping                 

                            - be able to continue an effort at a regular pace

                            - be able to organize oneself in order to be efficient

Study theme : -  build a " sporty " stride                              

                            - regulate its course / benchmarks (time, plots, pulse and DEP )             

                                          - run without stopping                                         

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Session   n ° 4




Principles of Success

Success criteria

Precautions - interventions - advice

/ asthmatic student

Find out if a student has a nocturnal seizure that could cause fatigue. If a student is known to have post-exercise asthma, check that they have taken their medication before the start of the session. In particular on the way by going to the place of the course, or before dressing for example so that the drug can take effect before the first exercises.

Check Peak Expiratory Flow as much as possible to assess the degree of breathing difficulty and see with the student the objectives of the session based on their asthma. Drink a little ...


Warming up


Oriented preparation


Warm up to optimize performance and reduce the risk of bodily accidents


Race " jogging " around a field hand ( 5 laps) 


Stretches guided by the teacher



5 progressive accelerations



Mobilization of all joints

Stretch the main muscles that will be used


Start slowly and finish at high speed

I get a slight " feeling of fatigue " 


I follow the rules of stretching (slowly, smoothly, blowing, long enough and without forcing)


The start of the session must be gradual : you can alternate moments of walking with moments of running (running along the length of the field and walking across its width)

The student can be asked to breathe through the nose in order to warm the air, humidify it and remove dust. (a scarf on the nose can help warm the inspired air) . Having tissues to clear the nose can be very useful !


Gesture control


Running placed - gestural coordination



Control your movements to optimize your actions



5 to 8 passages per student on a course of blocks : spacing 3 feet             

              progressive spacing

After each passage we add a gesture instruction


Ditto on a hoop course : more and more distant or located in the sand (if it is available)

Running straight and balanced

Look up in front of you

Fit knees

The action of the arms is synchronized

Raised toe


              Alignment of feet, pelvis, trunk

              Stay balanced

              Push up and forward

              Pull the knee forward

              I " shoot " on the arms 


My support is dynamic

I am fast

I don't crash : sheathed and toned body

I run on a straight path



I push long on the pulse leg

I am fast and dynamic

I don't crash into receptions

This fractional work (fast race 100% VMA with return to the start by walking and waiting for your turn 1 min 30) does not involve too long an effort and allows all the students to share the same situation.

This kind of situation can form the basis of a session, or even a cycle based on interval aerobic training, which is often better supported by students with asthma.

Obtain information from students with asthma : " pallor ", cough, fatigue, difficulty breathing ... before running longer.  


Baseline situation


Run " long "  

Take into account an adapted race plan


Control your running pace to last in the effort


The student runs : 5 + 10 + 5 minutes (or 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 depending on fatigue),

The pupils run the width of the field on a slat course (10 slats spaced one meter apart) to force the knees to be raised)

As soon as a student passes the starting point, the teacher announces the time

Market recovery time : 2min

Breathe correctly (I breathe 3 times, I breathe in 1 time)

I don't drag my feet otherwise : fatigue, slowing down, pain

I run at a regular pace : for this I look at my file (or that of the group) to know the lap times on the lap and check if the pace is good

Allure defined from the test carried out at the 3 rd session

I respect the passage times of my file . If the passage time is not respected : slow down and / or gradually accelerate to get back to the defined pace

Court continues without stopping or walking

I walk during recovery (to maintain cardiac activity before resuming a run and to relax the leg muscles)

5-minute sequences for students with asthma so as not to be too long and cause A sthma P ost E xercise which usually occurs between the 5 th and 10 th   minute.

As the sessions progress, longer sequences can be offered if the conditions are favorable (climate, D E P , etc.). It is necessary to adapt the gait to find an “ easy ” gait that allows you to run longer. 

We must be vigilant here for signs of an EPA

Calm down and recovery

Stretching around the teacher

Students give their feelings about their running program

Progressive and painless stretches


Choose a higher running pace for the next session if the work was easy

If we can , take the D E P to assess the level of effort required of the asthmatic student and his recovery

On returning from the session, check the improvement to normal in exhalation and / or an unusual state of fatigue . If a student often has asthma during PE lessons, it may be interesting to note all of his DE P measurements   to follow with him the evolution of D E P with physical practice over a long period of time. term.

Orientation of the next session : continue the educational course, take benchmarks on your running pace during the races , run in a level group             

Integrating students with asthma in E ducation P hysical and S portive

Cycle : Basketball

Class : 6 th

Cycle objectives : - to be able to lift the ball and look for shots             

     - be able to play without the ball

     - be able to respect rules

- be able to attack together

Study theme : - move with the ball             

                            - fight to protect / appropriate the ball

                                          - stand out to receive / defend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Session n ° 4                                                                                                               



Principles of Success

Success criteria

Advice / asthma

Warming up


Oriented preparation

C ourse " jogging " around a basketball court 

Stretches guided by the teacher


5 minutes of free play, 1 ball for two


All PBs dribble around the entire court, on signal, Non-PBs try to take the ball and keep it clear

Mobilization of all joints


Stretch the main muscles that will be used

Being active with a ball


Protect the ball with your body

Lift your head to locate the defender

APB chases the ball from the bottom up

I get a slight " feeling of fatigue " 

I follow the rules of stretching (slowly, smoothly, blowing, long enough and without forcing)

Use the different basketball gestures


I don't lose the ball

I do not make mistakes : recovery, contact ...

I take the ball

Alternate walking sequences with running sequences to obtain a progressive warm-up. Attention because often students from 6 th leave " thoroughly " even during heating. Caught in the mood, a student with asthma can start at the same pace and quickly trigger an asthma attack. 

Sometimes a poorly ventilated or poorly maintained gymnasium (dust, mites, etc.) can cause respiratory problems

Gesture control



Play the duel

Progress despite the adversary


Game 1 against 1, the PB starts in pivot then tries to pass in race to go to the basket


Start of the exercise on the 3-point line

Same as session 3 : protect your ball and pass your opponent to


progress forward without slowing down or returning


Progress to basket and score

I'm not slowing down

I do not " walk " 

I'm on the right foot


I made 4 out of 5 baskets

These situations require intense efforts but of short duration do not cause prolonged hyperventilation and therefore very rarely cause respiratory problems in the asthmatic student.


The continuous chain of actions like in a match (constant back and forth) can sometimes lead to the onset of a crisis. Taking a bronchodilator can stop asthma and allow the session to continue.


Shortening the duration of an exercise for the asthmatic student (<5-6 min) so as not to take a “ risk ” should not give the student the impression of being devalued. Example for a 10-minute task, do 2 times 5 minutes (same amount of work with a little extra rest) 


We can also put a replacement in a team to allow the asthmatic student to rest temporarily and / or reduce the surface of intervention of this one .

Baseline situation


" Play-ground " tournament 

3 against 3, we emerge from the line of 3 points as soon as 1 basket is successful

Any contact is sanctioned (discount on the side or 1 free throw)

PB at a standstill is invulnerable : we cannot take the ball from him

The students play the ball carrier without a fault

Stand out forwards : if you enter the 3-point zone you cannot get out

Move away from the defender, keeping a distance from passes and towards the basket, feint

Do not hesitate to go to the basket and shoot


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