استخراج الزيت العطري بالانجليزية
الزيوت العطرية للجسم
اسماء الزيوت العطرية
استخلاص الزيوت العطرية بالتقطير
الفرق بين الزيوت الاساسية والزيوت العطرية
جهاز استخلاص الزيوت العطرية
طريقة استخدام الزيوت العطرية في الفواحة
استخلاص الزيوت العطرية
الزيوت العطرية للشعر
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Thank you Mr. Chair, thank you jury the theme of this project is extraction of essential oil of Rosemary, presented by ............... ..
Under the direction of professor .............
The purpose of this work is to enhance the Rosemary plant in different fields, medical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical etc ......... ..
The origin of Rosemary:
- rosemary was originally a plant with white flowers
- Rosemary comes from the Mediterranean basin.
I start to give information on aromatic and medicinal plants (see definitions)
Aromatic plants are a set of plants used in cooking and herbal medicine for the aromas they release and their essential oils that can be extracted. A medicinal plant defined by the pharmacopoeia by a plant of which at least a part has medicinal properties also called (vegetable drug).
Among his plants is rosemary. (the part of the plant) ...
The rosemary plant or rosmarinus officinalis or yazir in Arabic language, is an aromatic plant native to the Mediterranean coast, In Morocco the plant grows spontaneously in the clear forests of the Rif, the great and the Middle Atlas? It is also grown in gardens as an aromatic and ornamental plant.
(as shown in the following slide here is my rosemary plant)
Characteristic of the plant:
Description of the plant in the fresh state: Bushy, ramous aromatic shrub with woody stems
Size: up to 1 m
Leaves: Persistent opposite leaves, entire, narrowly lanceolate, sessile, almost acicular, with reflective margins, with white tomentose pubescence on inner side
Flowers: axillary flowers with labile corolla, pale blue to light blue-violet with violet punctuation, arranged in short clusters at the end of twigs.
Fruits: brown tetrakenes
Rosemary contains a large amount of flavonoids, cineol, pinenes, diterpenes and steroids. Rosemary also contains calcium, iron and vitamin B6.
Medicinal properties
- Good for memory and concentration
- good for the skin.
-useful to reduce the severity of asthma attacks.
-useful for the stimulation of the immune system.
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