Which country is the most educated country in the world?




Which country is the most educated country in the world?

Can an employer refuse vacation for religious reasons?

Where are the limits of religious freedom?

Why religious freedom is important

What can't religious freedom protect?

What are some examples of religious freedom?

Which article is religious freedom?

Is religious freedom enshrined in the Basic Law?

Is religion an inalienable right?

Which country is the most educated country in the world?


10 countries with the highest level of education in 2020 by population



South Korea.

United States.




Finland. Higher: 44.30% Upper secondary: 43.80% Lower than upper secondary: 11.90% Population 2020: 5,540,720.

Norway. Higher education: 43.21% Upper secondary education: 38.76% Lower secondary education: 18.03% 2020 population: 5,421,241.

Can an employer refuse vacation for religious reasons?


US law clearly states that employers must not discriminate on the basis of religion and must make reasonable accommodations for religious needs.


Where are the limits of religious freedom?


The Supreme Court said the federal government can restrict religious freedom, but only if it has a "compelling interest" in doing so, to protect the common good and limit people's ability to harm others.


Why religious freedom is important


Religious freedom prevents the cultural majority from using the power of the state to impose its beliefs on others. It protects everyone – religious and non-religious – from the government becoming so powerful that it can tell people what to think and how to act. Conscience is the most sacred right of the individual.


What can't religious freedom protect?


The First Amendment was passed on December 15, 1791. It introduced a separation of church and state that prohibited the federal government from enacting laws "respecting a religious community." Also, in most cases, it prohibits the government from interfering with a person's religious beliefs or practices.


What are some examples of religious freedom?


freedom of religion


religious discrimination.

religious censorship.

separation of church and state.


prayer at school.

Catholic priests in the public service.



Which article is religious freedom?


Article 25 states: “All persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate their religion, subject to public order, morals and health. In addition, Article 26 states that all denominations have their own affairs in religious matters can regulate.


Is religious freedom enshrined in the Basic Law?


Congress can make no law concerning the establishment of a religion or prohibiting the free exercise; or restriction of freedom of expression or freedom of the press; or the right of the people to assemble peacefully and demand redress from the government.


Is religion an inalienable right?


The idea of ​​an inalienable right is at the heart of American democracy – a right that people are born with and that can never be taken away. Religious freedom is one of them. Instead, it is a government's job to protect inalienable rights.

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