Your bike is stolen: covered or not?

Bike thefts are common in Quebec, even if they don't make the headlines. To protect your bike not only against the risk of theft, but also against the risk of damage of all kinds, you need to take the right steps, especially home insurance to get compensation if something goes wrong. Read on to find out how.
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What protections against the theft of your bike?

Unfortunately, choosing a bicycle as a means of transportation does not protect you from theft. While you are doing your part to reduce your ecological footprint in this way, you must also take action against these kinds of unfortunate events. Because a bicycle costs less than a car, you can tend to be suspicious of the steps you can take to protect it.

On the contrary, you need to adopt the right preventive measures as soon as you buy your bike. By having good insurance, if a theft occurs despite your best efforts to preserve your property, you will not have to worry, because the trick will be played and you will be covered.
What steps can you take to prevent your bike from being stolen?

To protect your bike, you need to take, on a smaller scale, the same steps you would take to protect your car. Rest assured: no need to spend exaggerated amounts compared to the cost of buying the bike. This is to remind you at all times that it is easy to steal a bicycle.

As with your car, you should never forget the bike in the driveway overnight or leave it in unlit places out of your sight. Always store the bike in your house or garage when you get home or don't plan to go out. Similarly, if you are visiting a friend, take your bike home and explain your concern.

Otherwise, if you don't have a garage or enough room in your studio to store your bike, you need to use effective locks. Forget the low-end U-lock that comes with your bike. It's getting easier and easier to break it. Instead, opt for a junction of several padlocks at the same time.

If the thief has to take a long time to steal your bike, they will give up for fear of being caught with their hand in the bag. So your goal is to deter thieves. Before leaving your bike unattended, you can also get into the habit of removing accessories or removable parts. One of the most effective tips is to remove the saddle from your bike. With this, you will be able to reduce the risk of theft in particular.

But if a theft occurs despite all these measures, what to do?
How can you be covered against the theft of your bike?

By taking all of these steps, you dramatically increase your chances of deterring thieves and keeping your bike from going missing. However, that shouldn't stop you from hedging yourself against this eventuality, however slim it may be. If the theft does occur, you will be glad you bought good home insurance to be compensated because, yes, compensation for a bike theft is included in this type of insurance.
Scope of protection

Home insurance covers your bike against theft, no matter where the theft takes place. This implies that your home insurance will not be limited to your home. It will extend beyond your home, to wherever your bike is when it is stolen *.

Home insurance won't stop at your bike. For example, if you bought a basket for your bicycle and the many locks did not deter the thief, your home insurance will compensate you for this theft. In fact, you are covered for the theft of the bicycle and all accessories and objects that may be attached to it.
What other protections for your bike?

Theft is not the only risk to your bike. It should also be noted that, despite a high rate of bicycle theft in Quebec, if you take the previous measures, you do not risk much in relation to that. You can then consider other possible risks to your bicycle, in particular the risk of an accident.
What to do in the event of an accident with an automobile?

While you are riding your bicycle, you could be the victim of a collision with an automobile. Such an accident involves a motor vehicle. If you are hit by a car, a motorcycle or even a trailer, whether you are in Quebec or anywhere in Canada, there will be an accident.

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