Professional insurance for shoe repair

The activity of shoemaker, like all craft activities, is exposed to many risks. These can be linked to the products used, the acts performed, the products delivered, the risks of damage to the environment, fire and explosion, among others ... When a disaster occurs, it is all your activity that may be endangered. It is therefore essential to take stock of the insurance to take out for optimal protection of your responsibilities and your shoemaking profession!
The profession of shoemaker

The shoemaker is a craftsman who responds to customer demand by bringing damaged shoes back to life. As part of his profession, he is required to repair shoes, bags, but also leather clothing. It can work by hand or with machines. In most cases, the shoemaker or shoemaker is responsible for replacing the sole or heel of the shoe. He can also put metal or plastic protections at the rear ends of the heel and at the front of the sole. This craftsman often has to work alone in his workshop shop where he receives customers and where he sells accessories.
The risks associated with this activity

As we said, the activity of shoemaker is exposed to many risks relating to burglary, damage to equipment and theft. It can also happen that a customer or supplier is injured in the workshop. At any time, damage can be done to third parties, the environment, or your staff. You will also be able to sell a defective product and see your engaged civil liability. If you are transporting goods, you should also think about the protection of your inventory and your transported material.
In addition, the products you use such as glues, dyes and solvents can cause skin allergies and respiratory problems. As well as manual or mechanical sanding. Abrasive dust can cause allergies and there are also risks of accidents such as injuries, flying foreign objects in the eyes, crushes and wounds. Wear a mask and gloves when handling solvents and ensure that your premises are well ventilated. Finally, respect the smoking ban under all circumstances.

The insurance you must take out for your shoemaking activity

Fortunately, there are insurance policies specifically developed to cover your business as a shoemaker. Even if there is no compulsory insurance for this profession, it is essential to take out the following insurance:
Professional liability insurance

Professional liability coverage, also called RC Pro, is insurance that is compulsory for certain professions. For the shoemaker, it is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. This warranty covers damage that you, your equipment, your premises or your staff may cause to third parties in the course of the activity. It covers bodily, material or immaterial damage caused by error, omission, negligence or fault. This is not the most comprehensive coverage, but it can be very useful in covering your responsibilities.
Insurance for your business premises

As an artisan shoemaker you use tools, machines, and you have the necessary equipment for the proper functioning of your business. To deal with damage, such as fires, water damage, broken glass and vandalism, which may occur within the confines of your business premises, take out business premises insurance. This covers your property against many claims.
Financial loss insurance

The insurance essential to guarantee the sustainability of your shoemaking activity is the business interruption guarantee. This insurance allows you to restart as quickly as possible in the event of a disaster. The costs incurred in order to limit or avoid a loss of fees or operations are covered by this contract. Loss of rents and loss of use are also covered. If you find yourself completely and permanently unable to continue operating the fund in the damaged premises, the total loss in the value of the business will be covered.
Professional multi-risk insurance

Craftsman multi-risk insurance is coverage that can be personalized according to your needs. It can cover you on two levels: coverage for your property and coverage for trade. This insurance covers all the guarantees mentioned above, while offering other optional guarantees depending on your activity or your needs. Professional multi-risk insurance can also guarantee

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