Professional insurance for dog trainer

dog obedience training

As part of his job, the dog trainer is called upon to give advice to dog owners. Its role is to help owners train their dogs. Indeed, in addition to educating the dog to the standards of society, it also educates the owner. Since he exercises a risky profession, the dog trainer must take out the right insurance contract. This will allow him to be well protected in the event of damage involving his professional civil liability. Zoom on dog trainer insurance!
The profession of dog trainer

The role of the dog trainer is to train the puppies and dogs. He can work in the field or at the owner's home. Most of the time, the dog trainer works under difficult working conditions: schedules, demanding clients and exercise in all weather conditions. To educate the dog to the standards of the society, this professional must solve the obedience or hygiene problems that the owner encounters with his dog.

He advises teachers on health, nutrition, hygiene, behavior, comfort and legislation. Of course, education will depend on the breed, character and environment of the dog. To exercise this profession, it is necessary to demonstrate pedagogy, rigor and firmness. You also need to have a love for animals. Finally, we must make the difference between dog trainer, behaviorist specializing in animal psychology and veterinary behaviorist.
Risky Business

Exercising as a dog trainer involves risks which require that the greatest precautions be taken. At any time, you can be attacked by the dog. Like all other consulting professions, it is also exposed to legal risks. It can happen that the owner of the dog engages your civil liability for damage caused to his dog. The dog trainer will always be responsible for his faults or negligent acts. This is why it is essential to take out the appropriate guarantees.
Professional liability insurance

The first insurance to take out is professional liability insurance. Also called RC Pro, this insurance allows you to respond to an error, fault, oversight or any damage to someone or something. We are talking about a contract that can cover bodily, material and immaterial damage caused to any natural or legal person.

In the case of the dog trainer, this insurance will cover damage to animals. By subscribing to this guarantee, you will be able to cover your professional civil liability. It is essential coverage to secure the sustainability of your professional activity in the face of major risks.

If in addition to your activity as a dog trainer, you sell products for dogs, food, toys, maintenance, etc. Consider insuring your stock of merchandise or opting for a professional multi-risk guarantee, including RC Pro, as well as various optional guarantees.
Vehicle insurance for professional use

As a dog trainer, trips to your clients' homes are frequent, as it is essential to perfect the education of dogs in their natural environment and possibly eradicate bad habits associated with the latter.

For optimal coverage, you must take out appropriate insurance for your vehicle, or an extension of your guarantees as part of personal auto insurance. Or by taking out professional vehicle insurance.

Remember to check the coverage of the equipment and goods you will be transporting.
Complementary health and provident insurance

If you are a dog trainer, you need to think about protecting your health. For this, you must subscribe to an adapted health mutual. You should know that health insurance reimbursements are not always sufficient to cover all health expenses.

You must therefore take out the guarantees adapted to your profile, especially if you work with dogs. Before taking out a health insurance contract, check the conditions and exclusions carefully. The contract must cover animal bites,

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