Professional driving school insurance: get comparative quotes

You run a driving school both as a self-employed person and as a training center, you have to deal with many risks and claims specific to your activity.

Here are some examples of risks you may face:

    You own premises, it is necessary to insure them against theft, fires and the many disasters that may arise.
    During the training in the highway code, you welcome candidates to your premises, any bodily injury for which you are responsible commits you to paying the resulting costs.
    You use specific equipment to train candidates in the highway code, given the cost and the impact on your activity in the event of a malfunction, it is necessary to provide for a rapid repair in the event of breakdown or breakage, the breakage insurance machine can come in support.
    Your core business is driver training, so you must use special vehicles, the cost of which is significant, you must take out fleet insurance that will protect your entire fleet of cars or motorcycles.
    You have to think about your health and that of your staff, subscribing to a qualitative mutual is useful.

Know before insuring your driving school

The activity is regulated both by the Insurance Code and by the content of the apprenticeship booklet.

Compulsory insurance: Compulsory insurance for vehicles used for driver training.

Qualifications / diplomas / experience required: You must have the driving license that corresponds to your field of learning (car, motorcycle, heavy goods vehicle), accompanied by the Bepecaser (certificate for the exercise of the profession of driving teacher automotive and road safety).

Average rate observed: NC

Other insurance: Professional premises insurance, machine breakdown insurance, business interruption insurance, group health insurance, rc pro insurance

Other related profession: Driving instructor trainer

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