How to waste time at work without getting caught
things that waste your time at work
According to a survey, 89% of workers lose time at work every day. Discover the 7 causes of this waste of time and their solution.
It's hard to be 100% productive at work. 5 minutes on Facebook, 10 minutes chatting with a colleague, your computer crashing for 15 minutes...
Did you know that a normal person takes an average of 4 minutes to recover from an interruption and pick up where they left off in their work? Put together, these few minutes quickly turn into hours.
According to a survey conducted by in 2014, 89% of workers lose time at work on a daily basis. Among them, more than 60% waste between 30 minutes and an hour each day, and 4% waste at least half of their working day on unrelated tasks. Scary, isn't it?
The causes of lost time at work are many, and contrary to what one might think, social media and personal Internet use are not the only reasons. Here is the list of the different factors of the loss of time at work and the solutions to put an end to it.
Discussions with colleagues
Your 10-minute coffee breaks drag on because of a discussion between colleagues, often unrelated to your current tasks. This is one of the most common causes of lost time at work.
The solution
If a work discussion drags on over the coffee break, follow it up by setting up a meeting with everyone involved. On the other hand, if your colleague talks about his vacation in detail, gently cut the conversation short and offer to meet at lunch break.
It is essential to discuss with colleagues to promote a good atmosphere at work, create team cohesion, find solutions and encourage creativity. Remember to organize a regular team lunch.
The problem of open spaces
Open spaces are open offices, supposed to facilitate communication between employees. However, the hubbub that reigns there constantly is a nuisance that prevents you from being productive. Landline and cell phone ringtones, din from the printer, music from some, conversations from others, not to mention the incessant interruptions... In short, it becomes difficult to work efficiently in these conditions.
An Actineo survey conducted in September 2015 reveals that 92% of people questioned believe that their workspace has an impact on their efficiency, and more than half (57%) say they are disturbed by noise pollution due to conversations. .
The solution
If possible, ask to return to an office with walls and a door. Otherwise, isolate yourself in a meeting room when you need concentration or wear earplugs.
Surfing the Internet for personal purposes
This is one of the biggest causes of wasted time at work. Facebook, Youtube and Wikipedia are among the most visited sites. Whether it's checking the weekend's weather, looking for a recipe for dinner or checking movie times, it's easy to indulge when all the information is just a click away. Not to mention personal communications (texts, Facebook and phone calls) on his cell phone.
The solution
Put your phone away and, if possible, turn off the wifi to avoid temptation. Set limits and do your research and personal communications on your lunch break.
Faulty computer hardware
Today, the computer and new technologies have become essential and indispensable work tools. The problem is that there are (too) often computer bugs, breakdowns and network delays. These technical problems can result in the loss of up to 30 minutes per day, which is equivalent to 109 hours per year, or more than 2 weeks of work lost each year.
The solution
It is essential to have a recent and efficient computer network and equipment, updated regularly, as well as a good computer service made up of efficient and responsive technicians.
Unnecessary meetings
In meetings, do you tend to daydream, doze or do something else? The problem is surely not with you, but with the meeting itself. Lack of objective, absence of agenda, length that drags on, participants not concerned by the subject: more than one in two meetings is a bad meeting . Useless for the participant as for the organizer, it generates a considerable loss of time.
The solution
The meeting is an essential communication and coordination tool in project management, but to be effective, it must be properly prepared, with a specific objective and a well-defined agenda. Avoid wasting your time and attend only the meetings necessary for the progress of your work.
Too many emails to process
We have all become addicted to email to communicate at work. Easy, fast and practical, it avoids picking up the phone or moving around, and allows you to keep a written record of exchanges. The problem ? We receive an incredible amount of emails every day, most of which are not relevant or related to our work. And above all, we systematically interrupt our work to consult an email that has just arrived. This is how precious minutes are wasted throughout the day.
The solution
Check your emails at set times each day. Avoid lengthy email discussions and prefer face-to-face or phone calls to resolve issues quickly. If necessary, send a brief summary email, avoiding copying the entire company.
A disorganized workspace
Your desk is overrun with piles of files. Post-its and loose sheets are spread everywhere. And we're not even talking about the content of your computer. Difficult to navigate and be productive in these conditions. In addition, you waste a lot of time finding a document.
The solution
Tidy and organize your desk, file your files and print only when necessary. Use technology: There are many software and applications that allow you to organize your work documents efficiently so that you can find them easily.
In conclusion
At work, we regularly lose precious minutes, voluntarily (by surfing the Internet for personal purposes) or involuntarily (due to endless meetings). This loss of time represents a financial loss for the company. They also promote the accumulation of stress and unnecessary pressure for employees who lack the time to complete their tasks and achieve their goals. It is therefore essential to identify and limit them.
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