how to meet a celebrity


In this article: Locate a star remotely Meet a star in person Meet a celebrity at an event Meet a star while walking Behave well when meeting Related Articles References

Many dream of meeting their favorite celebrities. Some people even have websites and social media accounts entirely dedicated to dating their idols. Meeting a celebrity can be very pleasant, but it often requires some preparation. With a little work and research, you'll manage to get an autograph or salute your favorite star.






Locate a star remotely


Read tabloid magazines and websites. Gossip magazines and blogs regularly publish paparazzi photos of celebrities wandering around. Take a good look at the background of the photos. If you see a hotel, it's probably where your celebrity stayed while in town. If you see a particular bar or store in these photos, it's probably a place your idol frequents.

Put a Google alert indicating the name of your favorite star. You will receive news about him, but also information about his whereabouts, according to the latest photos taken by paparazzi and fan news.

Celebrity appearances are a popular pastime today. Many people have blogs that they update regularly.


Follow your icon on Twitter. Many stars tweet regularly throughout the day. Following your favorite icon on Twitter could help you get information about places she frequents regularly, including gyms, restaurants, and stores. Going to these places will increase your chances of meeting her.

Many fans post photos of celebrities on their Twitter feed. Set an alert in case your homepage is flooded with discussions about your favorite star. This will also allow you to know if the latter is in your immediate vicinity.


Follow your celebrity on Instagram. Photos posted by celebrities can give clues about the places they hang out. Look at the background of the photos and pay attention to street names, store names, and other details about their locations.

Most celebrities' Facebook accounts are managed by their publicists and are not updated with information about their daily lives. However, you can find information through comments left by fans.


Do research on an online database. There are many sites that provide information on celebrity travels, such as movie locations, book signings, public appearances and conferences.



Meet a star in person


Visit Paris, Los Angeles, New York or London. Many celebrities live in these cities, so spending time in these places can increase the chances of meeting a famous person.


Make contacts. Show your passion for taking pictures with stars or tell people about this hobby occasionally. You never know: one of these people might know the relative of a friend of your celebrity trainer  [1] .

Stay calm. Just as you would protect your friends, colleagues, superiors, or employees from someone who seems threatening to you, someone who is actively involved in the life of a celebrity will not introduce you to that personality if you seem dangerous, strange, or disturbing.

Express your interest in an area in the arts industry or in showbiz and not in a specific person. If the people who make up your social or professional network know about your love for film, music or theater, they will be more likely to share information, posts and news about these topics with a large number of people who share your interests. If your friends know you like pop music, they might let you know about Beyoncé concerts. However, if they think you're only interested in Taylor Swift, they might not tell you.


Ask around. When you go to a cafe or restaurant in a popular neighborhood, ask the people who work there if they've ever seen a celebrity in the area. Some of them can be very frank and tell you what day of the week or what time certain famous people visit their shops or restaurants.


Read the arts section of newspapers. Theatrical performances, opening galleries, autograph sessions and other official events could be included.

Visit a venue or gallery where celebrities are going to appear. Talk to the people who work there. You never know: maybe one of these people could give you some information on the movements of your star.



Meet a celebrity at an event

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Go to events. Buy a ticket to attend a concert, a play or an event of your favorite star. By paying tickets to attend these official events, you won't have to stay outside hoping to catch a glimpse of your icon.

Try to get the best seats within your means. The closer you are to the stage, the more likely you are to see VIPs. Some artists interact a lot with the public and they might take a picture or chat with you.

You can also buy a VIP ticket including a meeting session. Although these tickets are extremely expensive in general, you have the possibility of obtaining good seats at the cinema, at the opera or at the concert. Also, you are sure to take a photo with celebrities at the end. Most reservations agents will explain exactly what is included in VIP packages.

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Pay attention to signings. Celebrities often promote themselves at these organized occasions both for the books they have authored and for books related to a project they are working on. For example, in 2012, Jennifer Lawrence signed copies of The Hunger Games at Barnes & Noble bookstore in New York to promote literacy. Many of these events are free. Some sites also provide detailed information on these events.

If a book signing is to be held at a bookstore, get in touch with the bookseller ahead of time to find out if there will be a lot of people, to find out directions for taking photos and autographs and so on. Big bookstores organize many such events every year and they know exactly what to expect.

It can be complicated to take a photo with a celebrity at signings. Bookstores generally don't want to hold up the line. Don't bother people, otherwise you might not be accepted next time.

Usually at these events, people are not allowed to get an autograph or join the line to meet the celebrities, unless they have purchased the product advertised at the occasion (a book, a box set).

You can buy more than one book. This will give you more time to chat with the celebrities as they sign autographs.

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Go to the artists' entrance. If you have tickets to a play or concert, find out where the exit and entrance gates are. After the show, head straight to these places and wait for the celebrities to come out. There will definitely be a lot of people waiting, but you can always take a photo or have an autograph.

Some artists may be very tired after a performance and not want to sign autographs and pose for pictures. Always be polite and respectful, don't annoy people.

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Participate in the recording of a talkshow. Programs of this kind, which take place in the morning, afternoon or evening, receive many personalities each week. You can check the taping dates for these programs online to find out when your favorite star will be a guest  [2] .

Just like theaters, TV studios also have backstage. Often the places where stras come and go are filled with paparazzi and fans. However, you might manage to have a short chat, but that will depend on the celebrity in question and their commitments.



Meet a star while walking

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Visit places frequented by celebrities. Even if you can't buy yourself an item at Prada or Louis Vuitton, you can still go to the places famous people hang out. In Paris, places such as Le Fouquet's, Le Pershing Hall, the restaurant L'Avenue are very frequented by the stars  [3] .

Shops generally don't like people hanging around without buying anything. Buying something from the stores, even a small, inexpensive item, will help you avoid looking like an unwanted visitor.

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Wait in front of the hotel where your star is staying. Press conferences and previews are often held late, so if you show up in the morning, you might spot your icon heading to work.

Lingering in a hotel lobby can get you in trouble, so try ordering a drink at the bar. Sit in such a way as to watch the entrances and exits.

If you don't see your favorite star entering or leaving the establishment, don't be discouraged. Large hotels with celebrity clientele have secret passages.

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If it's a singer, wait near vehicle parking lots. Have you ever attended a concert? If so, find out where the vehicles are parked and try to get there. Many bands quickly pack up all their gear after the show, but some people might be hanging around and you can take this opportunity to introduce yourself.

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Look for a job in a place frequented by your idol. Become a waiter at her favorite restaurant, a bartender at the bar she frequents, or a personal trainer at her favorite gym. Finding an eight-hour shift can dramatically increase your chances of seeing your favorite star there.

Make sure you land a job that allows you to interact with customers. Sure, working as a valet or coat check attendant isn't particularly exciting, but chances are you'll run into some VIPs dining or staying in a  hotel .

Always stay professional. As a general rule, the owners of places frequented by celebrities do not like people who intend to annoy their customers. You could definitely have a little chat with one of them to take a picture under the right circumstances, but if it gets boring, you could get fired from your job.



Behave well when meeting

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Be early to the events you attend. At some events, you may have to camp overnight. So bring a book or digital music player to distract you while you wait.

Consider bringing a friend with you, especially if you are arriving several hours early or need to spend the night outside. In your absence, he could keep your place in the line and vice versa allowing you to go to the bathroom, bring food and drinks, etc.

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Decide what you want. Do you want to get an autograph or just take a photo? You could get both at once, but if your favorite star is running late, rushing past you to see their publicist, or just spending a few minutes with the fans, it would be best to know exactly what your questions are.

Ask for a personalized autograph. This way, you are less likely to sell the autographed item for cash and are more likely to get an autograph or start a conversation with your idol  [5] .

Prepare yourselves. Have a pen or marker handy, as well as the item that will be autographed (such as a photo or poster). If the person is generous and gives you an autograph, try to make it easier for them.

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Prepare your words. Celebrities are usually short on time, which means your intro should be brief and prepared. Tell the person your name and a sentence or two to express your gratitude for their work. State your request clearly and politely and always frame your request as a question. You might say, "Can I take a picture with you?" instead of "I want to take a picture with you." »

If you have a lot to say, consider writing a letter and delivering it in person to your favorite star. Maybe she'll read it when she has more free  time .

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Stay calm. This celebrity could have changed your life. You might think that you are two kindred spirits who haven't had the opportunity to meet. Whatever your thoughts, be friendly and polite, while avoiding rave or exaggerated remarks. Idolatry, crying or incessant worship makes people uncomfortable.

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Smile and be friendly. Stars are very busy people and attend lots of press conferences and events every month. Don't be demanding or aggressive. If you really show kindness and gratitude, you are more likely to meet this person.

Always ask permission before taking photos. It may seem suspicious or rude to pull out your phone and start taking pictures without permission.

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Step aside. If you're attending an event or waiting near the doorman's lodge, there will likely be a lot of people there too. After getting an autograph, taking a photo, or shaking hands with a celebrity, allow other people to do it too. They will all be as excited as you are.

Don't be discouraged if you don't get a handshake or if the meeting was brief. Many other possibilities will present themselves to you.


Celebrities are human beings. You might meet them when they are sick, when they are just coming out of a bad patch or a disappointment. Stars have bad days and can leave a bad first impression, just like the average person. If you come across a star who isn't as cordial as you'd hoped, give them a chance. Maybe you met her at a bad time.

Respect the privacy of stars and use common sense. If you see your favorite icon outside eating ice cream with her children, think about whether it would be good to interrupt this family moment. Don't forget, he's a human being too.

Never assume that famous people will agree to take a picture with you or give an autograph. Just based on their schedules, it's not clear that they have free time. If they refuse, smile and let them go.

Some people don't understand that celebrities are people too. People look up to stars as if they were the center of their lives. The stars are human beings and they should be treated like humans. Don't get too excited to meet one. They are like you.

Remember that celebrities are normal people, but with a different lifestyle.

Walking around airports is really useless. Most celebrities take private jets and once they land at public airports, chances are you'll see them there.




Loitering around in public places such as hotels and shops is sometimes prohibited and is often viewed with suspicion by the managers of these establishments. If you want to hang out in hotels or shops, be a good customer and at least buy something once in a while, otherwise you might be barred from entering.

Harassment is a criminal offence. Never attempt to enter a celebrity's home, hotel room, or private space. All correspondence should be sent to the official fan mailing address or dedicated fan phone number, but never to a private address.


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