How to be fun to date


Have you ever been called a nightcap, a moth in a Formica closet, or a cannonball? Do you feel like you don't know how to be funny in society? Don't worry if this concerns you, you just have to make the effort to be nicer with others, to want to make fun of yourself a little and to always be ready to make new things. If you really make an effort, people will end up calling you a jerk and not a cannonball.






To be funny


Relax. People appreciate being comfortable and safe with their friends and are always up for a good time. You should give off a vibe that makes you feel comfortable in the role of the merry guy and let others have a good time too. So you should relax and everyone will also be more relaxed.

Give small compliments. This will show those around you that they matter to you and that you are not ignoring them.

Laugh a lot. Have an open and relaxed body language. Show others that you are prepared for all eventualities.

Try to be as flexible as possible. Your entourage will be too, if you are tense. Describe yourself!


Pay attention to your friends. Exchange glances, put your phone away, and give importance to the people around you. People won't be able to let loose and have fun around you if you seem distracted and have a lot on your mind.

Have an appreciative gaze towards others. Don't make them feel like you're looking down on them or judging them, because they won't want to be more open with you.


Pull out loads of jokes. People will want to hang out with you if you're not afraid to play dumb. Here are some ways to be perfectly hilarious.

Do your best to imitate someone you all know, whether it's a teacher or a colleague.

Dance as horribly as possible, pretending it's the best way to dance.

Sing along to your favorite song, replacing some words with embarrassing ones.

Wear a silly outfit or a t-shirt with a silly message.

Don't be afraid to crack a corny joke or pull a silly prank.


Try new things. You have excellent reasons to try, if there is something you have never done! Be spontaneous and try something new, rather than slipping away. People around you will find you fun to hang out with, if you're the one who always comes up with new ideas for fun things to do.

Say “yes” more often. Rather than making excuses, try to accept new challenges and try new things.

Check out the last part of this article for ideas of fun things to do with your friends.


Keep an optimistic attitude. Although we all have our bad days, you should focus on talking about the good things in your life and the things you plan to do, rather than talking about the little annoyances that annoy you. It sets a positive tone for your social contacts and makes others want to seek out your company.

Try to find two upbeat comments if you catch yourself saying something negative.

You should make an effort to cheer others up if the people around you are depressed, rather than tuning in to their bad mood.

You don't have to pretend or put on a forced smile if you're having a terrible day. You should still make an effort to be more optimistic if you're only mildly bored or know that what's bothering you isn't too important.

If you're really having a terrible day, mention it and move on to something positive. Say something like, “My day has been really tough, but I'm staying positive. »



Clinical Social Worker

To be more interesting, stay positive and get out there . Klare Heston, social worker, tells us: “to be a more interesting person, be positive, stop thinking about negative things and stop complaining. Taking the initiative in social circumstances will also help. For example, you can participate in activities, try new things, reply to jokes and send text messages. Talk about your interests and ask others about their passions and hobbies. »

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Gather your friends. Try to form a group where most people like each other or at least make an effort to get to know each other. Have a unifying mentality to bond with each other, even if it's at your expense.

Act with subtlety. If you're with two people who feel like they have nothing in common, find a shared interest that can help them get along.

If you have two friends who don't get along at all, tell one of them something nice about the second person so they can both find common ground.

Help people connect by suggesting fun activities that everyone can participate in, like bowling or musical chairs.



Say what it takes

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Ask people lots of fun questions. Start discussions. You don't have to push too hard to ask funny questions that can get conversations going and put people at ease and make them want to participate. Here are some of the things you can ask others:

an embarrassing anecdote from their childhood;

a funny show or show they saw recently;

an event where they did everything wrong or got into trouble;

an allusion to a first impression which turned out to be completely false;

strangest place they've ever been.

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Don't complain too much. It's best to keep your tone upbeat unless your laments are very funny. Nobody likes a complainer or a killjoy. It can make your friends think you're not funny at all. If something really bothers you, write it down or tell a close friend, but avoid complaining out loud in the middle of a group if you want to be cheerful.

Don't let others complain either. Try to deride the subject and lead the discussion in a more upbeat direction, which may be more likely to cheer others up if people around you are complaining too much.

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Open up to others. Fun people are comfortable with themselves and are happy to share personal experiences and ideas. If you open up to others, those around you will also be more willing to open up to you and you will create a more welcoming and pleasant environment. Here are some opening topics:

funny events from your childhood;

an anecdote where you made a fool of yourself;

a failed date;

your hilarious relationship with a friend or relative;

a pretty funny summer job when you were still a student;

an unexpected meeting that ended well.



Clinical Social Worker

Accept your true personality . Klare Heston, social worker, advises us: “Having social skills is important, but you should never change your personality to try to be funnier. For example, if you're too shy to talk to someone you don't know, you can try other techniques, such as having more humor or having new experiences with your friends. Remember that there is room for everyone on this planet! »

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Know how to laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself too seriously. You can have a great time whether it means opening up to crack a few jokes or clowning around a bit. This will help loosen up the others a bit and it can also lead to some pretty hilarious situations.

Tell a funny story about something that happened to you earlier in the day that might make others laugh. Share your story if you've said something embarrassing, spilled coffee on yourself, or had people stare at you for any reason.

If you accidentally stumble or say something silly, don't act like you're embarrassed or afraid to look weird. Instead, laugh at yourself and admit that you are incorrigible.



do fun things

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Meet new people. The best way to be funny is to accept whatever other people want to say. It's the only way to open yourself up to new people and experiences and have even more fun in the process.

You should have fun and accept someone radically different from you, rather than staying in your bubble.

Each person can teach you something and the more people you know, the more knowledge you can have. Never consider a new person as uninteresting or a waste of your time.

Just say hello, introduce yourself, and ask the person a few questions. You can keep it light when you know her a little better.

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Explore a new part of your city or neighborhood. Be on the lookout for new activities where you live, whether it's a pétanque tournament, a popular song contest or a vegetarian festival. Look for new opportunities in places in your city where you have never been and invite your friends to join you to see it as a new adventure.

It's even better if this event is completely out of your habits, whether it's a suckling pig party or an improvisation festival. Think of all those enthusiastic and interesting people you can meet when trying something totally unknown to you.

Encourage your friends to have an adventurous spirit too. Let them know that it's fun to try something new.

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Get out of your routine. You'll be a much more fun person forcing yourself to do new and interesting things, whether you're trying to learn a new language or taking part in a soapbox race. The more you know, the more dynamic you will be, which means you will have more experiences to share with others. Try the following things.

Learn to juggle .

Try ballroom dancing, hip-hop, or belly dancing.

Make a pasta dish from leftovers.

Take acting or improv classes.

Learn basic gymnastics tricks.

Familiarize yourself with card tricks.

Learn to read tarot cards .

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Dance, even if you don't know how. The most important thing is to participate and have fun, whether you dance in your corner like a foot at a party, invade the dance floor with your friends to do anything or dance with your partner.

If you're itching to dance, put on your favorite song, rock out and others will have fun with you.

Encourage others to join you on the dance floor. Drag the tapestry and show them how much fun dancing is.

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Overcome your fears. Take the time to analyze your fear to come out of it stronger, whether you are afraid of altitude, clowns or small dogs. You will be surprised by all you are capable of.

Make a habit of accepting more invitations to do new things. Although you declined to accompany that friend who is an avid hiker or oil painting fan because you have never tried these activities, you should say yes and see what you can do next time. .

The next time you're at a party or social event, scan the crowd for the person you think you have the least affinity with. Introduce yourself to this person to find out what you can learn from them.

Don't be afraid to raise your hand if an artist asks for a volunteer during a show. Scream and go wild at your favorite concert. Wear a crazy outfit that makes you feel good. Sign up to sing your favorite tune in karaoke, even if you have a syringe voice. Throw a perfectly ridiculous themed party. Be funny!


Be honest and keep your promises. People are very sensitive to reliability and if they can trust you, they will also be more relaxed in your company.

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

If you are one of those people who constantly experiences awkward silences in someone's company, write down a list of things you can talk about and bring up one of these topics whenever you are confronted with one. of these silences. Remember to always see the positive and funny side of all things, unless it's obviously not the right time.

Make the need to learn second nature. Knowing a lot sharpens your humor, gives you lots to talk about, and makes your life that much more interesting.

Do not gossip or spread rumours. It's not doing anyone a favor and can damage your reputation as an easy-going, funny person. It's hard to have fun when you expect people to say bad things about you.

Laugh with your friends, not at them or other people.

Know what your limits are. Find time to rest your mind and re-energize without others. Also let others know that there are boundaries in you that should not be crossed.

Smile a lot and try to like everyone. Don't judge others, because you can't know what their problems are.




Don't alienate your current friends, because they are also the best you have. Keep them in your life or they'll feel insulted.

Don't make fun of people. Laugh with them. Nevertheless, it is good to know how to laugh at yourself. You should do this to keep your spirits up despite your mistakes and failures.

Don't just worry about being funny. You should also keep a little more serious side and show it when the circumstances call for it. You should consider it your responsibility and prove yourself worthy of friendship if a friend needs your help in a difficult time. The same goes with your parents, show them that you deserve more freedom by following their advice and having a responsible attitude.

There's nothing wrong with teasing someone as a flirtation. But you should be more polite if you just met this person.

Try to have fun in a legal way and without hurting anyone, including yourself.

Don't make people think you're funny. It may seem artificial and forced.


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