What insurance for a car without a license?

Do you want to learn about auto insurance for a license-free car and how to find a cheap one? Owning a cart requires a minimum of protection, even if a license is not required. Any accident can happen quickly and it would be a shame to have to spend large sums because you did not take out an insurance contract. The micro-car is no longer just for retirees, it also attracts the youngest and people with canceled driving licenses. VSPs have evolved for several years and now have an attractive design that blends very easily into the landscape. In this article, Coover explains the mandatory and additional guarantees, prices and shows you the offers of the main insurers on the market.
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    Is car insurance without a license compulsory?
    What is the price of car insurance without a license?
    What are the conditions for insured my vehicle without a license?
    What are the guarantees of auto insurance without a license?
    What are the important points to check before subscribing?
    How to take out car insurance without a license?

Is car insurance without a license compulsory?

Just like a classic car, auto insurance for a car without a license is compulsory for the liability side. Indeed, bodily injury and material damage can be caused to third parties.

The Insurance Code and its article L211-1 therefore require you to subscribe to a named third-party plan for any motor vehicle that works, even if it is parked and not often used. This type of insurance is perfect for young drivers and unlicensed cars with years of experience already. It is also less expensive than a complete formula, also called all risks.
What is the price of car insurance without a license?

The price of auto insurance without a license remains in any case lower than that of a conventional car. Its characteristics and low involvement in severe accidents are the main reasons for this. Also, due to its speed, it is not allowed to drive on highways and expressways, which limits damage.

Its cost depends on each insurer, but on average, it is 600 euros per year for an intermediate formula. It is established according to several criteria, for example:

    the profile of the insured, among other things, whether he is a beginner or an experienced person;
    the guarantees taken out, deductibles and exclusions;
    the type of car without a license and its use;
    history which serves as a bonus-malus clause, such as accidents or drunk driving.

Formula Price for a driver in Paris Price for a young driver in the provinces
Third party € 47 / month € 48 / month
Intermediate 58 € / month 60 € / month
All risks 114 € / month 125 € / month
Car insurance price comparison without a license

Indeed, unlike people driving a classic car, you will not be able to benefit from the bonus-malus system. This can be seen as an advantage depending on the case.
What are the conditions for insured my vehicle without a license?

A land motor vehicle made up of 4 wheels that can generally transport 2 people, the license-free car, which is often called a cart, is a light quadricycle. It has specific characteristics, such as a power of 6 kW, a displacement that does not exceed 50 cm3 and an average top speed of 45 km / h.

The driver, who is most of the time the person insuring the vehicle, must be at least 14 years old and have the AM license or a road safety certificate, the BSR, if he was born after January 1, 1988. The license is valid. obtained with the help of a driving school or an authorized association after a training of 8 hours over 2 days. There is no required item if the person was born before this date. Then, the license is valid for 15 years.

Also, this avoids having to have a B license and therefore saves money and avoids the points system. Only fines are payable in the event of a violation.

The gray card of the unlicensed car is however required by law, as well as a license plate on the rear. This allows you to take out the cart insurance contract.

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