What fines in the event of a fault of automobile insurance?

As previously stated, driving without insurance is more than an offense; It is an offense that is sanctioned by the state (3750 €) for all drivers (an EDPM: motorized travel gear must also be ensured). Indeed, the exercising without insurance is punished by law but especially if your vehicle is responsible for a road accident, you can incur imprisonment and being indebted for life by the reimbursement of the Fund. guarantee.

Ie, if you have already been sanctioned for lack of insurance and if the offense has been made via an electronic report; A lump sum fine of 500 € will be imposed. Depending on the circumstances of the auto insurance failure, sanctions may be applied:

    general interest work
    fines whose amount is fixed by days
    Up to 3 years of suspension of driving license
    Cancellation of the driver's license and prohibition of ironing the license
    Prohibition of driving certain vehicles
    obligation to participate, at your expense, at a road safety awareness internship
    Immobilization and / or confiscation of the vehicle

What happens in case of accident?

The mandatory insurance allows the insured to avoid paying the costs of repairing an accident, the expenses of hospitalization and other possible compensation ... The insured can be a young driver or a confirmed or senior driver.

    For people who have suffered a road accident with a non-insured motorist, the guaranteed fund (FGAO) takes financially the accident.
    For people who have caused the accident and are not insured, they will have to fully reimburse the advance made by the warranty.

To obtain the warranty, the road accident must have places in France or in the European Economic Area. This one must involve a vehicle (car or motorcycle), a pedestrian or cyclist, an animal.
The Guaranteed Fund supports bodily injury, if the manager is unknown or if he is not insured, or if the accident has been caused by a wild animal.
It also supports hardware damage (except accident with a wild animal) but the compensation may not exceed the sum of € 1,220,000.

As a driver, you have an obligation to be insured for some insurance company and therefore benefit from an insurance contract to standards. Each auto insurance proposes a minimum contract which is third-party insurance: practice for young drivers, not necessarily the means to subscribe to all risky insurance.

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