Which path to choose: lawyer or corporate lawyer?



Lawyer, you may dream of it ... or you already are. But is this job really for you? Take the test!





Lawyer, some dream of it since their childhood, others become it by accident ... This profession, hero of films of novels, comics, idyllic image of the defender of the widow and the orphan and living symbol of eloquence, can sometimes be misleading as it is associated with firmly anchored images of Epinal.


This job may be for you. But since choosing your future profession is often the culmination of a long journey strewn with pitfalls, we suggest you gain a step by carrying out this little orientation test ... you can also participate if you are already a lawyer; -)


We have defined 3 families of profiles:

- "Oh no !" (profile A)

- "Well crossed out for the bar" (profile B)

- "Calibrated to advise" (profile C).


Let's see together to which you belong ... (answers 100% anonymous and without collection of personal data). Then share the test with your friends! Of course this is only a quiz intended to make you think, without a "definitive" vocation to decide your future ...


1 / What synonym would you choose for the term "rigorous"?




2 / What kind of couple do you form with literature?

 fusional. I have great reading and writing skills.

 free. I like to read, but I express myself better orally.

 chaotic ... Spelling and grammar are not really my friend.

3 / In society, you are more like:

 very comfortable, I also adore the theater and play different roles according to my moods.

 adaptable, I like interactivity and know how to adopt the codes of my interlocutors.

 very curious and attentive to the people around me. I appreciate the originality.

4 / You must exchange a train ticket, but there is at least 30 minutes waiting at the ticket office. How do you react ? :

 my cellphone is not picking up, I am stamping!

 I stay calm. Patience is one of my qualities.

 I always have a book or magazine with me to keep me busy in case of waiting.

5 / Do you believe that being ethical is an essential quality to practice your profession:

 yes, I have a high opinion of justice and wish to exercise a profession which respects my values.

 not really. You just have to obey the law.

 yes, but everything is in the appearance: the important thing is to know how to appear ethical!

6 / In terms of privacy, your job must above all:

 bring me financial comfort.

 allow me a balance. My private life is as important as my professional life.

 achieve me, no matter how hard it is.

7 / When you are given a very tight deadline to complete a task:

 you tend to feel the pressure building in you.

 you don't panic. Stressing won't help you go any faster.

 you don't like it but you manage it with a good sense of organization.

8 / Do you accept from time to time to be wrong?

 no, rarely. I like to be right and to convince.

 yes, I am not infallible. Everyone has the right to make mistakes.

 yes, but on condition that my interlocutor demonstrates it to me in all objectivity.

9 / Do you think that you are an easily influenced person?

 yes I can be but not in the negative sense of the term, I know how to show flexibility of mind.

 not really. I am very critical of everything, including myself.

 I do not find. But I can get carried away by my emotions. In this sense, I can be influenced by my moods.

10 / If you were a novel, which one would you choose among these three:

 Nice friend of Guy de Maupassant

 Albert Camus' stranger

 Germinal by Emile Zola

11 / What does the word 'legaltech' mean to you?

 Digital law

 digital tools related to law, for all audiences

 law firm management software

See my profile now

[Repeat the test? ] [See also the Notary test] [See also the Legal expert test]


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