موضوع حول المسرح بالانجليزي
موضوع عن المسرح
تاريخ المسرح
موضوع تعبير عن المسرح
اول من اخترع المسرح الفرنسيون ام الاغريق
مسرحية باللغة الانجليزية عن الام
مسرحية بالانجليزي مترجمة بالعربي
مسرحية عن اهمية اللغة الانجليزية
مسرحيات باللغة الانجليزية سهلة مكتوبة
The theater designates both a theatrical performance and the building in which the performances take place.
These are shows in which actors play characters for an audience. Written dialogues are called plays, but there can also be drama without written text or even without speech.
Modern theater
Modern theater is developing in Europe in the twentieth century. He is rich and varied. The pieces are played in various rooms, adapted to the dramatic representation. The actors, men and women, are most often professionals, but one also frequently finds amateurs. In the first part of the century, the pieces are vaudevilles, comedies in which the song mixes, whose principal author is Eugène Labiche. There is also a return to tragedies on mythological subjects with Jean Anouilh and Jean Giraudoux. Then, in the middle of the century, is born the New Theater, an engaged theater, a theater of ideas that takes position with Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus. We also witness the creation of the theater of the absurd (theater that proposes a reflection on the human condition) with Alfred Jarry, Eugene Ionesco, Samuel Beckett.
Vocabulary of the theater
• Alexandrine: verses of twelve syllables
• act: one of the parts of the piece
• didascalie: indication of the author who writes the dialogues. For example, he wrote Louis XIV (angry). This gives the indication to the actor who plays the role of Louis XIV that he must act as if his character was angry
• stichomythia
• Deus ex machina: intervention of a god or a supernatural being by means of a machinery
• hangers: ceiling beams to hang the decorations
• court side: the right side of the stage for the audience
• garden side: the left side of the stage for the public
• the three shots: blows with a stick (called brigadier) on the stage to warn the public of the start of the play
• raising the curtain: just after the three shots, he reveals the decor
• Intermission: interruption in the room, the actors pause
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