الوضع التسويقي بالانجليزي
جمل تسويقية بالانجليزي
كلمات خاصه بالتسويق
مصطلحات التسويق الالكتروني
مصطلحات التسويق الالكتروني 
تحميل قاموس مصطلحات التسويق
مصطلحات مبيعات باللغة الانجليزية 
مصطلحات ادارة المبيعات
مصطلحات البيع والشراء بالانجليزي

The positioning
 Positioning is a marketing term whose definition may vary depending on the context of use.

In its dominant usage, positioning corresponds to the position occupied by a product or brand in the minds of consumers vis-à-vis their competitors on different criteria (price, image, characteristics, etc.).

In a proactive logic, positioning can designate the positioning sought by the company and not that perceived by consumers.

Finally, from an action perspective (rare use), the term can refer to all the actions taken to obtain the desired position in the minds of consumers.
The 7 criteria of a positioning
 1) A centered positioning: clear and understandable: it addresses a well-identified segment and is consistent with the values, beliefs and behavior of the targeted people. A segment => A message ==> An idea
2) Credible positioning: in the sense that customers must have no doubt and that "the promise will be kept"
3) Relevant positioning: positioning must address an emotional or functional need or a specific issue and must focus on the benefits that are important for clients
4) Differentiating positioning: a unique positioning that occupies a particular "position" in the customer's mind. We can not say the same thing as competitors
5) A "communicable" positioning, easily transmitted: a positioning that can be executed effectively and that is translated into a message that "hangs". Easy to communicate
6) A coherent positioning: the company must communicate in a coherent way on all the elements of the marketing mix
7) A "sustainable" positioning: this is important for it to have an impact on the customers' minds. Examples inspired by B2C: Duracel, BMW, Volvo ... who have built a strong brand equity by sticking to their positioning over a long period.

I. The positioning of the company:
    This is an indication of the difference between the company and the competition. In other words, these are the coordinates of the company. In this context, not all companies should be in the same market, because even if it is large, there may be other opportunities, where the markets are smaller but the competition is less and different quality (maybe better).
II. The positioning of the brand:
    The unique positioning of the company is not always easy: presence in different markets, by-products ... A brand policy is decided by the company. Each brand occupies a territory with a specific positioning that differentiates it from competing brands. This positioning can be defined, for example, in terms of price, usage, consumption, image.

    III. Product positioning:
    Positioning is often linked to a target. The same product can have several possible positions. A restaurant that serves good traditional cuisine could position itself as "the good restaurant of small opportunities" for all populations: the target is wide, the frequency of visit low; "The restaurant of businessmen or business executives who want a good meal at an affordable price": the target is narrower, but the frequency of visit is greater.

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