مقال صحفي بالانجليزي
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مميزات الخبر الصحفي
Moroccan arrested in Melilla for hiding a migrant in his dashboard
To walk the European soil, some are ready for anything, even to put their lives in danger. This is the case of a young miner of 12 years of sub-Saharan origin, found this Friday afternoon in the dashboard of a high-end vehicle. The driver, a Moroccan aged 65, arrested by the Guardia Civil between the Spanish enclave of Melilla and the customs of Beni Ansar.
The information was reported by several Spanish media. During a daily road check, the Spanish authorities were able to get their hands on the mis en cause that hid the boy carefully in the dashboard of his model BMW X-5 registered in Morocco. At first, everything was in order until a device capable of detecting the frequency of heartbeats indicated a human presence in the vehicle.
An agent of the Spanish Guardia Civil then decides to slide his hand behind the dashboard of the vehicle. Moments later, he makes the incredible discovery of a young boy showing signs of sweating, restless breathing, numbness and disorientation. Undocumented, the child claims to be 12 years old and from Guinea Conakry. After receiving the necessary care, the boy was transferred to a juvenile center in Melilla.
The mis en cause will be presented to the judicial authorities of the city as alleged perpetrator of a crime against the rights of foreign citizens. "The mafias are sparing no effort to seek new 'modus operandi' in the sole and despicable goal of human trafficking in exchange for economic profits, using, in this case, high-end vehicles to avoid raising suspicions and thus deceive the civil guards on duty, "denounced the spokesman of the Guardia Civil, quoted by El Periodico.
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