وصف المنزل بالانجليزية
وصف المنزل بالانجليزية
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تعريف المنزل بالانجليزية
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وصف المنزل بالانجليزية
Renovation apartment
apartment rental
visit house description apartment
Jules: We could, for example, tear down the wall of the living room.
Laurence: Yes, it would be a great kitchen dining room.
Jules: It would be nice too with a fireplace in the corner.
Laurence: There? I would rather have seen it in the opposite corner.
Jules: Do you think so? Oh, yes, I did not think about it.
Laurence: And here it will be the children's room ... did you see the condition of the walls?
Jules: Yes, it will take a good stroke of paint.
Laurence: We will take the opportunity to change the carpet.
Jules: In fact, you have to redo everything ... it will cost a lot of money.
Laurence: Let's say most of the work is feasible on our own, that's a good thing.
Jules: You're right, the roof and the pipes are in very good condition.
Laurence: On the other hand, it will be necessary to spread the work over at least two years.
Jules: We will get away with how much do you think?
Laurence: I do not know ... in the 400,000.
Jules: Do you think we'll get credit from the bank?
Laurence: I do not know, but Arnaud told me that it should do it because you're an official.
Jules: He does not know how much I earn.
Laurence: Maybe but it reassures the bankers, figure yourself!
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