تعبير عن زيارة متحف بالانجليزي
تعبير عن متحف الملك عبدالعزيز بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير عن المتحف المصرى بالانجليزى
برجراف عن المتحف المصرى بالانجليزى للصف السادس
موضوع بالانجليزي قصير
paragraph عن المتحف المصري
تقرير عن المتحف الوطني
محادثة عن المتحف بالانجليزي
زيارة المتحف المصري
The visit of Jewish museum in Morocco
The teacher of the big Myths module, asked us to visit the Jewish museum, to discover the Jewish culture.
The day of the visit all the group a directed
To the tramway, exactly the neighborhood station "Raja", first we took our tastings, after we sat down to wait for the tram, after a few minutes it arrived, we went up and disappeared to groups To avoid the inconvenience, we arrived at the train station "El Waziz".
In the museum there is a woman named "Rabiaa", who explained to us the culture of Jew, there is a lot of things in the jewish museum "the gospel, jewels, clothes".
In the end, I really enjoyed the visit because I discovered the Jewish culture, and expanded my knowledge.
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