انشاء عن شخص مشهور باللغة الانجليزية

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انشاء عن شخص مشهور باللغة الانجليزية
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Leonardo DiCaprio,
  born November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles, is an actor, screenwriter and producer of American cinema.
Growing up in popular Los Angeles neighborhoods such as Los Feliz and Hollywood, the young Leonardo DiCaprio takes as his model his older half-brother, Adam Farrar, who began an acting career from childhood. He then decides to launch himself, encouraged by his parents. He quickly shows an obvious talent for comedy and is offered roles on television and then in the cinema. After being chosen from among many candidates to play against his favorite actor Robert De Niro in Injury Secrets, he is particularly remarkable thanks to his next film, Gilbert Grape, where he plays against Johnny Depp a young boy with intellectual disability, role for which he was nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor at the age of 19.

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