تعبير عن ايجابيات وسلبيات السيارة بالانجليزي
ايجابيات وسلبيات السيارة بالعربية
سلبيات وايجابيات وسائل النقل القديمة
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تعبير عن السيارة بالانجليزي
اعبر في فقرة عما اتوقعه لسيارة المستقبل متحدثا عن ايجابياتها و سلبياتها
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ايجابيات القطار

فوائد السيارة للانسان
advantages and disadvantages of hybrid cars

Advantages of the electric car
More reliability

Simplifying the design of the car by reducing the number of parts necessarily increases reliability. On the other hand electronic problems and other bugs will always be there. In addition, the worry of aging batteries is to be taken into account, a disadvantage that does not have a simple fuel tank.

Various food energies

With the electric one can get supplies of electrons from different ways. You can use a hydrogen fuel cell, batteries of different technologies (formerly lead, now lithium and possibly lots of other techniques) and everything that the imagination of man can conceive to deliver electrons to the copper stator . Of course it's a bit like a thermal: gasoline, ethanol (alcohol), diesel, biofuel (vegetable oil) and even hydrogen! Because yes in the 2000s we ran thermal engines with pistons with hydrogen.
Energy recovery

The advantage of an electric car is to be able to fill the tank by braking, a unique asset. Because even if it exists on the thermals, it is anecdotal since only the lead battery takes advantage of it ...
Note also that recovery is possible with lithium batteries (or other, it must be rechargeable batteries) and therefore a solution hydrogen technology prevents this.
Clean air in the cities

If the electric car also pollutes because of the way electricity is produced (coal, oil, etc.) and batteries, it is obvious that the air in the cities will improve significantly. It is therefore more important to talk about relocating pollutant releases rather than reducing them. The noise pollution will also be reduced to the delight of our nerves! After that it is not necessary to idealize since the noise also comes largely from the tires. Ditto for fine particles that also come mainly from domestic heating. Not to mention that the brake pads that wear out also generate particles (albeit a little less on electric energy recovery, but thermals too can have it ...
Less stress and nervousness

It has been found that driving an electric car is more relaxing than driving a heat engine car. The "aggressions" between motorists should therefore fade a little (of course, if mayors like Anne Hidalgo come rot the circulation the effect will be less). But it becomes a disadvantage on the supercars, because it is precisely this bestial side that make the hair stand on your arm ...
Cheap to use

Full energy becomes much cheaper than with oil. The savings are multiplied by 20 or even 30 compared to the cost of a fuel derived from fossil energy.
It will be recalled, however, that the extra cost of gasoline and diesel is linked to taxes ... And we must imagine that the price of electricity will explode if everyone rolls in electricity (increased demand = higher prices. the state does not deprive itself when it becomes a product of first necessity, it puts the knife under the throat and does not care about our moods ...). So this advantage should disappear little by little, and even worse, we will pay our electricity more expensive in general (damage to the costs related to the house ... The electric heating should hurt in the future).
Center of gravity (on height)

Thanks to the large weight of the batteries and their shape that can be flattened, they can be placed very low in the car (usually the floor). As a result, you get a lowered center of gravity that promotes behavior. Alas, electric cars are usually a little too heavy to really make them really dynamic ... And when we hit the autonomy in the sun as snow, and therefore the sports sessions will be very limited in time (same with a thermal but we can refuel immediately in 3 minutes).
Efficiency better, but ...

While a heat engine loses about 60% of its energy in heat, the electric motor is limited to 10% (that is to say that in a thermal one actually uses 40% of the energy of the fuel to move the car against 90% for the electric stored in battery). The losses are therefore much lower. However, this so-called lost heat is not completely so ... The thermal car uses it for heating for example, factor that can greatly reduce the autonomy on an electric!
Good in spite of everything it is here the electric motor which wins the fight on the pure technique, but it is also necessary to see a little further ...

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