رسالة باللغة الانجليزي الى المدير
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رسالة باللغة الانجليزي الى المدير
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رسالة الى صديق بالانجليزي قصيره مترجمة
منهجية كتابة رسالة بالانجليزية 2bac    

In Casablanca


Subject: Job Application


                I have the honor to ask you to accept my application for employment with your honorable Society.

                I bring to your attention that I am a 20 years old Moroccan girl. My grade level 2nd year of basic education.

I would be very happy to meet you to give you more details about my profile.

                In the hope that my request will retain your kind attention, I would like to congratulate you, Sir, on the expression of my most distinguished sentiments.



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