برامج الحاسب الوورد بالانجليزية
تعريف برنامج الوورد
شرح برنامج word
بحث كامل عن برنامج word pdf
تعلم برنامج الوورد بالصور
تعريف word و excel
تعريف word و excel بالعربية
تعليم الوورد للمبتدئين
كيفية الكتابة على الوورد
Word processor :
Word, from the Microsoft Office suite, is a word processor. Replacement of our very old typewriters. This is a type of software that is used extensively by professionals.
His role
A word processor is a computer program designed to allow the user to write text on a digital medium (in particular, on computers), but especially to allow him to put it in shape, that is, to modify its presentation (sub-paragraphs, bulleted or numbered lists, hypertext links, anchors, ...) In general, a word-processing software also provides the possibility of managing the insertion of images in a basic way, graphics, even sounds; it can often be used to protect its documents (passwords or encryption), to link to a possible printer (hardware or virtual1), etc.
Texturer example
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