الأحوال والصفات بالإنجليزية

الأحوال في اللغة الانجليزية The adverbs in English
ظروف المكان والزمان
جمل ظرف مكان
مثال على ظرف مكان
ظرف الزمان والمكان 
اعراب ما بعد ظرف المكان والزمان
نماذج اعراب ظرف الزمان والمكان
ظرف الزمان والمكان 
ورقة عمل ظرف الزمان والمكان للصف الرابع
نحو ظرف مكان

Adverbs are invariable words. Most of them serve to clarify or modify the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb or a whole proposition.
What are adverbs for?
Adverbs specify the circumstances of place, time or manner in which the action presented by the verb takes place.
Adverbs indicate the degree of quality or defect.
Adverbs give information about what the speaker is thinking.
What are the adverbs?
They can change the meaning of a verb, a qualifying adjective, or another adverb.
In what forms do adverbs appear?
Adverbs come in three different forms:
- simple words: yesterday, here, now.
- groups of words: suddenly, as and when, do not ... until then.
-Full words: slowly, quickly ...
- Jean plays wisely. -> The adverb wisely modifies the verb plays.
- Jean plays very well. -> The adverb nicely modifies the adverb wisely.
- Jeanne is very cute. -> The very adverb modifies the cute adjective.
- Jeanne is very often angry. -> The adverb very modifies the adverb often.
- Obviously, Jeanne is the nicest. -> The adverb obviously modifies the whole proposition.

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