الحيوانات بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الحيوانات بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الارنب بالانجليزي قصير
مقدمة عن الحيوانات بالانجليزي
تعبير عن قطه بالانجليزي
تعبير عن القطط بالانجليزي
اسماء الحيوانات بالانجليزية
وصف حيوان بالانجليزية
تعبير عن الحيوان المفضل بالانجليزي
معلومات عن الحصان بالانجليزي
الحيوانات بالانجليزية والعربية
اسماء الحيوانات بالانجليزي 
اسماء الحيوانات بالانجليزي 
اسماء الحيوانات بالانجليزية مع 
اسماء الحيوانات بالانجليزي مع للاطفال
موسوعة الحيوانات بالانجليزية
الحيوانات المتوحشة بالانجليزية
اسماء الحيوانات بالعربية مع 

Animals are everywhere on the planet, in water, on land and in the sky. Each species has qualities that allowed them to survive natural selection. Animals that can not adapt to changes in their environment eventually disappear and those who adapt survive to the change that will no longer allow them to survive.
Natural selection is the way in which nature eliminates weak and sick animals and leaves only resistant animals for the reproduction of the species. The male domination instinct of a species allows the strongest and most dominant animals to reproduce and procreate the breed and thereby increase the chances of producing strong and resilient individuals.
Wild animals must have good ways to survive in their environment. Carnivorous animals must be able to capture their prey and prey must be able to escape from their hunter to survive. Often an animal is predatory but it is also a prey for other larger animals. Herbivores are not predatory animals because they are not carnivorous, they are usually prey except some species that have no natural enemies.
In the wild, living conditions are usually harsh and animals are equipped to survive. The fur of the animals allows them not to be cold, their claws allow them to catch their prey or climb a tree to be saved from a predator. If a species is present, it is because it has adapted to its environment and has the means to survive.
The man is very poorly equipped for survival in nature. He has no fur, no claws, he runs at a mediocre speed and is not really agile in trees like primates, not to mention our aquatic performance. We are not physically efficient, but our intelligence has allowed us to adapt to changes in our environment and populate the entire planet.
Animals can be useful, harmful or both. They are considered harmful when they disturb, destroy or infest humans or their homes. Animals are rarely just harmful or just useful, as all things there are two sides to the medal.
Aquatic animals have evolved and are adapted to marine life such as terrestrial animals. Poisons, sponges and even mammals like the dolphin have adapted and evolved with their environment.
Birds naturally are physically equipped with specialized organs for flight, their wings and tails are the main tools, but even their bones are lighter, to allow them to fly. So it's a combination of things that allows them to fly and some birds are not good for flying because of their weight like the ostrich.
The mode of reproduction is also very different from one animal species to another. Some breed only at certain times and others can reproduce at any time, like humans. The age needed for an animal to reproduce is also different, mice in a few weeks and elephants must be several years old.

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