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طريقة تحضير الشاي بالانجليزي
paragraph about coffee

The German weekly Focus focuses on coffee production around the world. The Latin American  countries and the countries of Africa produce essentially arabica variety, known to be of better quality than the robusta variety. The latter, on the other hand, is the one favored by Vietnam, the world's second largest coffee producer behind Brazil.
It is a stimulating psychotropic energizer, obtained from the roasted seeds of various varieties of coffee tree, coffee shrub, Coffea. It is one of the top three drinks containing the most consumed caffeine in the world, with tea and mate.
Coffee cultivation is highly developed in many tropical countries of America, Africa and Asia, in plantations that are grown for export markets of international trade. It often represents a major contribution to the economy of producing countries (coffee economy).
With less than ten million tonnes produced annually, coffee is a much smaller agricultural product in terms of tonnage than those dominating the world market (sugar cane, cereals); however, the relatively high price of raw materials gives a significant value to the coffee market: world coffee trade amounts to between $ 10 and $ 15 billion, depending on the year75. More than 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day.

Global volumes of green coffee produced and exported from 1975 to 2004 (in thousand tonnes according to ICO and FAO).
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the annual world production has grown to more than 100 million bags, which corresponds to six to seven million tons, whereas in 1825 only 100,000 tons were produced. More than 80% of the bags are exported each year.
Nearly 90 countries export coffee cherries, 60 of which are in development, with coffee accounting for the bulk of export earnings from countries such as Burundi, Ethiopia and Rwanda. The largest producer is by far Brazil (nearly 30% of world production in 2015), followed by Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia
Statistical data on world agricultural coffee production differ slightly according to whether they come from FAO (established on an evaluative basis) or from the ICO (established on a declarative basis). However, these data are monitored monthly by the ICO and cross-checked, which makes the Organization the recognized reference source for international markets. In any case, beyond the crises of point overproduction and inventory differences, the volumes produced, exchanged and consumed follow an upward trend.
Production is responsible for about twenty-five million people, mostly small producers, while imports, processing and distribution account for about 100 to 110 million people75.
High market prices in 1830 prompted entrepreneurs in Brazil to shift from gold mining to coffee, which had previously been reserved for local consumption. This decision is accompanied by significant investment83.

Between the abolition of slavery in 1888 (Brazil is the last country to do so) and the year 1928, the labor force is reinforced by a massive immigration of 3.5 million workers. Coffee accounts for 63% of the country's exports. The gains from this  trade allow for sustained economic growth in the country.
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