تعبير بالانجليزي عن العائله
تعبير عن العائله بالانجليزي,تعلم التعبير بالغه الانجليزيه
Family is consisting of parents and kids
مطلوب تعبير عن العائله الرجاء المساعده
بحث وصف عائلتك بالانجليزية Introduce my family
paragraph about the family
تعبير بالانجليزي عن العائله
تعبير عن العائله بالعربي قصير
عبارات عن العائلة بالانجليزي
my family paragraph writing
تعبير عن الاخ بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اسرتي
جمل عن العائلة
تعبير عن الاصدقاء بالانجليزي
جمل قصيره عن العائله بالانجليزي

My ideal family is ... A father, a mother
"A family where one can talk to one another, where there are no taboo subjects,  where one is free to go out, even if it is also the role of the parents to frame us. An ideal family, for me, is also a father and a mother. I do not often see my father, I miss him. "

My ideal family is ... A family that protects you
"A family that loves you well, who does not want to leave you. I love to spend holidays with my parents, but I also like to go green class with my buddies. It is important to have a family that protects you, tells you what to do, as my parents do, and also my older brother and sister. "

My ideal family is ... A family that thinks about others
"When parents ask their children about what they want to eat or where they want to go on vacation. It is also a family that helps others, where parents do not think only of their children, but make donations for example to poor countries. "

My ideal family is ... Not too many brothers and sisters
"A mom who does not scold her children when they do stupid things, but do not give them anything they want either. It is better also when there are not too many little brothers and sisters. I already have a little brother and a little sister, I think it's enough. "

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