تعبير عن الوطن بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير مكتوب عن حب الوطن باللغة الانجليزية
كلام عن الوطن بالانجليزي , عبارات انجليزية عن الوطن , صور عن الوطن , كلمات عن الوطن , خواطر عن الوطن , تعبير عن الوطن , كلمات حب وولاء الوطن
تعبير عن الوطن بالانجليزي
عبير عن الوطن بالانجليزي
عبارات عن الوطن بالانجلش
تعبير عن الوطن قصير جدا
تعبير قصير عن حب الوطن بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الوطن بالانجليزي قصير مترجم
انشاء عن الوطن العراق بالانجليزي
موضوع قصير عن حب الوطن بالانجليزي
انشاء انكليزي عن الوطن
تعبير عن حب الوطن بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اليوم الوطني بالانجليزي قصير جدا
The love of the homeland
It is a land of clay, sand, limestone and marble. It is a land of olive trees several thousand years old, maritime pines, and date palms, a land of grace for humans, generous and nourishing.
It is a country where the sky is high, where the wind caresses the hills and valleys, a country where the atmosphere is fraternal and blessed by the gods, a place where man aspires to rise to become as pure as The sky, as soft as the wind, as good as the atmosphere.
It is a land of orange and perfumed tomatoes, blond fields of wheat and fruit with sweet juice. It is a coast of infinite beaches where the sea that guided Ulysses towards the sirens is propitious and generous. It is a country of distant horizons, of freedom, of traditions and culture, a country where men are solidary and hospitable.
In this earth God has made each man a king, he is his own counselor and his own judge, he reigns there, loves and protects that country which is called Tunisia.
If we ask each Tunisian: "Do you like your country?" The vast majority will answer yes without hesitation, some will even say it is like asking them "do you like to breathe?" But unfortunately this does not Does not apply to all of us. A small number of his children turned against Tunisia. The reasons matter little, whether it is due to misery, exclusion, lack of freedom, or a perverse ideology, that explains nothing. These wanderers have chosen a suicidal path and no way out by throwing themselves into the arms of radical Islamists. They decided to hurt their country by adopting the immoral methods of terrorism. Today, they have to face their responsibility and assume their choice. Let's say it bluntly, they are no longer recoverable and society must put them out of harm's way once and for all, but we must learn the lessons.
Experience must be used to take measures to ensure that this never happens again, and this undoubtedly passes through the love of the fatherland ...
To love one's country is to be proud of it and to feel that it is wonderful, to love it as one loves one's family and to try to do him good. It is showing benevolence and feeling belonging to a people of companions and friends. In love, one hopes in return, the love of the fatherland is giving in one direction because it is expressing what we are and acting in accordance with that. In his famous investiture speech in 1961, John F Kennedy had pronounced the phrase: "Do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" a phrase that had made the Americans euphoric , Which was transmitted like a shock wave to the whole earth and which has since become historical.
All this is natural, but the task of the next government, resulting from the elections, will be to reinforce this feeling which binds each man to his country. The measures to be taken are generally well known, such as:
Teach the history of our country with its good and bad sides and insist on the epic tales that made our glory.
To develop the cult of a national historic hero who would be unanimous around him.
Celebrate national festivals and commemorations with pomp and ceremonial.
Flag raising with national anthem not only in schools but also in universities, factories and all cultural and sporting events.
The flag must be compulsory on all public, official or commercial buildings, it must be seen on the street name plates as well as the vehicle registration plates and all means of transport.
Developing the love of the country must start early, it can be done by developing scouting that we have unfortunately forgotten and making military service compulsory as the army is a good school.
A good citizen is a citizen who participates in the political life of his country. Voting should become mandatory.
Television and theater must also play their part by presenting series and performances that draw on our heritage. An example, the Emirates have engaged Hollywood to make films based on their national legends and the result is excellent.
Highlighting successes in the country, for example Finns are proud of their education system, New Zealanders of their agricultural system, Indians of their computer and the Egyptians of their central bank.
Organizing spectacular and grandiose events such as the World Cup or the Olympic Games, this HELPS the communion of citizens, develops the spirit of belonging and stimulates national pride.
Repeat the tradition of the great military parades that were so much appreciated at the beginning of our independence.