Final Exam on  FOOD
1.  Vocabulary معاني كلمات
-        Write : اكتب كلمه تحت الصورة
-        اكمل جمله
2.  Listen and answer سماعي
3.  Read and answer قطعه + اسئله (workbook 93+96+98  p.107 + 108)
4.  Singular \ pluralمفرد – جمع
5.  Have \ has  (workbook p. 85 )
6.  There is \ there are (workbook p.77 +103)
7.  Present simple الفعل المضارع البسيط  (workbook p.125)

scarf,  dress, shirt, jacket, pants,
gloves, boots,   coat, socks, sweater

A.Odd one out:
1.  North   ,   south  ,   Arctic ,  East
2.  Snow   , summer ,  winter ,  Spring
3.  Shoes ,  boots , sandals ,  map
4.  Worried,  sad ,  funny , bear
5.  Shorts,  sweater,  coat , gloves

B.Circle the correct word:
1.  Anne is happy/ worried about Emma.
2.  I'm going to Hawaii. I have sandals/ boots in my bag.
3.  It's summer/ winter in the Arctic.
4.  We're in the Arctic. It's very cold/ hot.
5.  There are bears/ monsters in the Arctic.

C. Write the meaning:

1.  wear

6.  ice

2.  need

7.  map

3.  hat

8.  maybe

4.  coat

9.  worried

5.  pole

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