Tax inspector
Do you have a developed analytical mind, are you rigorous and are not afraid of dealing with figures? Find out about the job of tax inspector!
Find on the tax inspector job sheet all the useful information about this job: Salary, studies, training, role, tax inspector job description, the qualities and skills required to work as a tax inspector. The tax inspector profession is part of the Legal field.
What is a Tax Inspector?
The tax inspector (ROME code K1503) is a state civil service executive, category A. He is attached to the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry. It is a multi-faceted profession, but access to which is conditional on successful completion of a very selective competition. Indeed, the tax inspector participates in design, advice, supervision and control work during missions mandated by the General Directorate of Public Finances. It verifies the tax declarations of companies and the income declarations of taxpayers, but it is also in charge of controlling the tax on large fortunes. Finally, he is responsible for tax audits, so he spends most of his time scrutinizing the accounts of individuals and companies.
Qualifications to become a tax inspector.
Thus, as mentioned previously, a minimum bac+3 level is required in order to apply for the tax inspector competition. In addition, candidates very often hold a higher degree such as a master's degree in economics, law or mathematics.
Training to become a tax inspector.
Access to the profession of tax inspector is by competitive examination. This is a category A competition, organized by the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry, and open to holders of a level II diploma (minimum bac+3) under certain conditions. This competition takes place annually, externally or internally, nationally, and regionally. It consists of an eligibility test. A summary note on economic and financial issues must be written and a dissertation on 8 subjects of your choice (management, mathematics, civil law, etc.). Added to this is an admission test through an interview with a jury, an oral presentation on a subject chosen at random, followed by a translation of a document into a foreign language. This competition, like civil service competitions, has a fairly low success rate, due to the few places offered, and the number of candidates applying. After passing the competition, candidates become trainees and undergo complete training for 18 months in the profession of tax inspector. This training takes place in one of the two national schools of public finance, located in Clermont-Ferrand and Noisy-le-Grand, from the first of September of the year in which the competition is obtained, and during the 12 first months. The last six months are devoted to a practical internship.
If you want to become a Tax Inspector, find out in detail all the information that will allow you to access the profession.
The missions of a Tax Inspector.
Control tax files and ensure the regularity of declarations by companies and individuals.
Advise users and support them in their tax management procedures.
Ensure the regularization and recovery of amounts to be collected.
Supervise company accounting in order to resolve disputes.
When the inspector specializes in asset management, particularly on issues related to wealth tax (ISF), he may have a mission to manage the cadastre and land plans.
Supervise a specialized team composed mainly of tax inspectors.
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