Who is the cutest person in BTS?




Who is the cutest person in BTS?

Is honey the sweetest thing in the world?

What does a cute person mean?

Is it a compliment to be called cute?

What does sweet friend mean?

What's the cutest thing to say to your boyfriend?

What does it mean when a girl puts 2 exclamation marks?

What do two exclamation marks mean in a text?

Who is the cutest person in BTS?


Who is the cutest member of BTS


Tae-hyung. 35.0%


jimin 43.5%

Is honey the sweetest thing in the world?


Quickly from the sugar, they change the answer to "honey". Sugar and honey share almost the same properties, although honey has some medicinal properties. Honey is sweet, but not the sweetest thing on earth.


What does a cute person mean?


When you describe someone cute, you mean they are friendly, kind, and gentle with others. When you describe a small person or thing as cute, you mean that they are attractive in a simple or clear way.


Is it a compliment to be called cute?


A man calling another man "cute" is a compliment; a man calling a woman "cute" is a compliment; A man who calls an agender or genderqueer person “cute” is a compliment…


What does sweet friend mean?


1 with or designates a pleasant taste like that of sugar. 2 pleasing to the senses or to the mind. soft music 3 have pleasant manners; soft, tender.


What's the cutest thing to say to your boyfriend?


Cute things to say to your boyfriend


i love you for everything you are

I feel so safe with your arms around me.

I can't help but smile around you. You make me so happy.

I want you more than pizza.

I like your _____.

you are more than my friend

With you, every day is an adventure.

I would do anything to see you smile.

What does it mean when a girl puts 2 exclamation marks?


It shows excitement. Girls use it more often because they are more excitable, want to share their feelings, and overusing it lessens the effects. So you need two exclamations where one was needed before.


What do two exclamation marks mean in a text?


The Double Exclamation Point emoji consists of two exclamation points next to each other. Exclamation points are used to express shock or surprise, but two exclamation points show an even more extreme form of shock for which an exclamation mark is simply not enough.

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