What solutions are available to you to maintain your salary in the event of an accident of the life?

In terms of provident insurance, income maintenance is essential for both employees and independent entrepreneurs. An accident or a long-term illness can prevent you from working and ultimately prevent you from supporting yourself and your family.
>> Loss of income insurance comparator

Daily sickness insurance benefits are often too low

The daily allowances for employees differ depending on the situation that caused the stoppage of work, a simple sick leave, an occupational disease or an accident at work. The amount will vary between 50 and 80% of your salary.

The daily allowances for self-employed workers are calculated on the basis of the annual income of the last 3 years with an allowance of a maximum amount of 54.43 euros per day, not to mention that you must be perfectly up to date in your contributions to the RSI, which unfortunately is not the case for many self-employed workers.

But as you can see, we are a long way from an indemnity covering 100% loss of income.
Loss of income insurance for employees

There are two possibilities for employees, on the one hand collective provident insurance, which is a benefit in kind and which is used by many companies to retain their employees or to take out an individual contract.

These provident contracts generally include various guarantees, in particular a death insurance which allows the payment of a capital to your relatives in the event of death. And of course daily allowances in the event of sick leave which can allow you to maintain your salary at 100% and even eliminate the 3-day waiting period in the event of illness.
Loss of wages insurance for the self-employed

To maintain your income at 100% you will have no choice but to subscribe to a provident guarantee. However, depending on your situation, you can opt for a Madelin provident contract which has the enormous advantage of allowing you to deduct your provident insurance contributions from your taxable profits.

Be careful, however, the status of micro-entrepreneur does not allow this type of deduction, since you already benefit from a flat-rate allowance through the simplified micro-social scheme. However, you can subscribe to this type of offer to maintain your salary.

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