Professional trader insurance: get comparative quotes

The trader is exposed to many risks during the exercise of his activity. To cover these risks, it is necessary to take out various insurance policies. As traders are responsible for damage caused by themselves, their staff, their premises, their equipment or items sold, they must take out trade insurance. This guarantee allows business managers to cover the financial consequences in the event of damage to a third party. Focus on trade insurance and its guarantees!
The guarantees that cover your liability

At any time, there may be damage involving the responsibility of the merchant. The damage can be caused by the trader, by the personnel, by the premises, by the material or by the objects sold. To avoid having to pay substantial compensation, it is necessary to take out trade insurance. This professional insurance contract covers the financial consequences of any damage caused.
The fire and explosion guarantee

The trade insurance contract includes several guarantees including fire and explosion coverage, professional civil liability and business interruption coverage. The fire and explosion guarantee guarantees the trader against the damage suffered, but also against the damage caused. If you have purchased professional property and casualty insurance or local commercial insurance, you are probably already covered for these risks.
Professional civil liability guarantee

The professional civil liability guarantee covers damage caused to a third party by the trader, his staff, his premises, his equipment or his items sold. It may be personal injury, material, consequential intangible and non-consequential intangible, such as damage to entrusted property, disclosure of confidential information of third parties, lack of performance or operation, unfair competition, breach of contract and the supply of defective or non-conforming products, among others.

Depending on your type of activity, you can take out specific civil liability insurance such as food poisoning civil liability, civil liability after delivery or installation, transport civil liability, professional auto insurance civil liability or civil liability for damage to the vehicle. 'environment.
The operating liability guarantee

Operational liability insurance covers damage caused by the trader during his professional activity. All damage caused to customers, third parties or employees is covered by this guarantee. We are talking about bodily, material and immaterial damage. The damage must be related to the life of the business and not to its own activity.
The guarantee of legal protection

Generally, the professional legal protection guarantee is annexed to the company property and casualty insurance. It can also be issued by a special contract. It allows the merchant to benefit from support in the event of disputes with a third party and to benefit from legal and expert fees.
Property and equipment insurance

It can happen that the goods, the professional furniture and the equipment of the trader are damaged by a disaster or are stolen. To protect your property, here are the insurance policies to take out:
Professional multi-risk insurance

This insurance covers all professional activity. If the business premises are damaged by a fire, an explosion, water damage, a storm, a natural disaster, an act of terrorism or theft, professional multi-risk insurance will intervene to compensate you. Note that this warranty also covers the material.
Business interruption insurance

It is very important to differentiate between operating liability and operating loss insurance. Business interruption insurance covers significant financial losses following a serious disaster, such as fire, natural disaster, an act of vandalism or an act of terrorism. With this guarantee, traders can compensate for the decrease in their turnover and meet the charges used to cover overhead costs, such as taxes, levies, rents and staff compensation.
Cyber ​​insurance for sensitive data

To protect your information systems, files and computer data, there is cyber risk insurance. This warranty covers technical malfunctions and malicious actions such as hacking,

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