Professional jeweler insurance

Both jewelers and jewelers are affected by many risks, which can affect their physical and psychological integrity. The environment in which you work must incorporate the appropriate means of protection. In addition to that, you must take out specific insurance to ensure the sustainability of your professional activity.
The profession of jeweler

As part of his profession, the jeweler is brought to highlight his craftsmanship. Indeed, to design jewelry like necklaces, earrings, rings, adornments and brooches, you need specific skills. This craftsman must know how to repair, restore and transform various parts entrusted to him by customers. It usually works in several stages. He must first listen and understand the customer's request while being aware of the various budgetary and stylistic constraints. The materials used must be well chosen.

It is only when the client validates the drawing of the client's draft that the jeweler can begin to create the jewel. For this, he must know how to handle metal and know how to create metal alloys. According to customer's request, it can also engrave the jewelry and set it with cut stones. It must be able to welcome customers, advise them and ensure the sale of its products. Note, moreover, that even though no diploma is compulsory, it is recommended to complete commercial training before setting up on your own. Courses such as the BEP and the CAP precious metals option allow you to prepare well for your profession.

Good to know: we speak of artisanal activity in the case of the manufacture or repair of jewelry when or when a company has less than 10 employees and commercial activity in the case of purchase-resale of jewelry or a cash company. more than 10 employees.
The risks to which you are exposed as a jeweler
Physical risks

You use jagged, sharp hand tools like needle files, shears, and machines to stretch, laminate, cut, pierce, stamp and polish, greatly increasing the risk of injuries and cuts.
The risks of burglary

Other very frequent risks in jewelers: attempted theft, assault and vandalism. As you work with precious stones and metals, you and your jewelry store, your employees and yourself are not immune to break-ins or robberies which can have very serious consequences.
Occupational risks

When taking an order, you have to be very careful. If the delivery does not meet the customer's requests, if it is not made on time or if you lose the jewel entrusted by the customer, you risk having your professional liability incurred, which can have serious financial consequences.
The risk of claims

At any time, your jewelry store can be struck by a disaster such as natural disaster, fire or water damage. This can damage or even destroy your store, business equipment and inventory.
Your obligations as a jeweler

The profession of jeweler is not regulated, it is subject to certain obligations. First, you are required to make a declaration to the guarantee office that your jewelry store depends on when it opens. Second, it is compulsory to keep a police book. This must list the purchases, sales, receipts and deliveries of goods in gold, silver or platinum.

If you are a jewelry professional, then you are subject to obligations to guarantee precious metals and their provenance. Indeed, as the trade in precious metals and jewelry is strictly regulated in France, all jewelers are required to take out professional liability insurance. This insurance covers your civil liability in the event of damage caused to third parties. Damage caused by your act, your negligence or your recklessness. The same goes for your employees.
The insurance you need to take out to be protected

In addition to the RC Pro insurance, you must take out other insurance such as:

    Insurance of premises
    Aggression insurance
    Own and entrusted goods insurance
    Business interruption insurance
    Legal protection insurance
    Professional health insurance
    Provident guarantees
    Why do you need to take out these insurances?

    Each of these insurances is able to provide you with the necessary protection. For example, business interruption insurance can allow you to be compensated in the event of temporary cessation of activity

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