Professional insurance for nurserymen

sale of plants

A nursery is a space dedicated to the proliferation of woody plants, such as trees, shrubs and perennials. In addition to allowing the multiplication of plants, the nursery allows the plants to reach a certain maturity to be then marketed or transplanted. If you are the head of a nursery, you should be well informed about the various insurances which will be useful to you and which will help you to cope with the risks to which you are exposed. Let's find out about essential insurance for nurseries in the agricultural and commercial sector.
What exactly is a nursery?

Whether in agriculture, arboriculture or horticulture, setting up a nursery is essential for the multiplication and cultivation of your woody plants and your perennials. In this space, you will be able to cultivate your plants until they reach the stage where they can be transplanted or marketed.

In fact, the term nursery joins two types of producers: producers of young plants and nurserymen-breeders. The producer of young plants will take care of the multiplication of plants vegetatively or sexually. Plants should be stored for a maximum of two years. As for the nurseryman-breeder, he receives the plants from the producers of young plants and puts them in culture for a minimum period of 3 years.

After cultivation, the plants are sold to individuals, communities and other nurserymen. In fact, the activity of nurserymen is very important because it helps prepare trees for their host environment and contribute to reforestation work. Nurserymen can customize the growth and maturation of future plants according to customer requirements.

However, to become a nurseryman and to manage a nursery, it is necessary to know how to prepare the soil, to take the cuttings and transplant them in the ground, to maintain crops, to control the development of the plants, to maintain the ground, to take care of the multiplication of the plants, canvass customers and prepare orders. Above all, it is necessary to have a solid knowledge of agriculture and agrology, and to have a very good physical condition.
The insurance you need to take out for your nursery

All commercial agricultural activities are exposed to many risks, such as climatic hazards, natural disasters, pollution and other disasters such as theft or degradation of plantations and facilities. In addition, you may cause damage to a third party in the course of your activity or encounter disputes requiring legal proceedings.
To face these professional risks which threaten your greenhouses and your crops under cover, it is necessary to take out certain insurance, such as:

    Liability Pro insurance to cover your liability in the event of damage caused to third parties
    Multi-risk agricultural insurance to protect your crops under cover and your facilities in the event of disasters
    Professional legal protection insurance to benefit from support in the event of disputes with a supplier, employee or customer
    Professional vehicle insurance to be in order and to cover the goods transported
    Business interruption insurance to obtain compensation in the event of a disaster on your installations jeopardizing the continuity of your business


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