Professional insurance for lumberjack

tree felling

Responsible for the maintenance of forest areas, the lumberjack must prepare the cutting work before felling and storing the wood according to its use. He can be a forestry worker or a logging officer. In both cases, these are risky jobs. To benefit from good coverage, you will necessarily need to take stock of essential insurance. Focus on professional insurance for logging work!
The lumberjack trade

The job of a lumberjack consists of cutting trees and organizing the cuts according to their destination (lumber, firewood, industrial wood). Before felling, the lumberjack must make an inventory of the trees to be cut. He must then determine the order of slaughter and ensure the safety of the work area. Using a chainsaw, he cuts trees. Then, he classifies the wood according to its purpose. As part of his activity, he can also perform skidding and skidding.

To be a lumberjack, you need to have a real knowledge of trees. You have to master slaughtering techniques and know how to organize your work while respecting safety rules and using the appropriate tools and equipment. Autonomous and working in small teams, the lumberjack exercises outdoors and must be able to move around as required. He must be in perfect physical condition and know how to stay in awkward positions for several hours.
The risks of the lumberjack trade

Felling, skidding and skidding work is not without its risks. On the contrary, between falling trees and chainsaw injuries, these are operations that can cause very serious accidents, even fatalities. This is because every tree is different and therefore becomes unpredictable. To have good protection when working as a lumberjack, pruner or longshoreman, it is essential to take out the right insurance contracts.
Professional liability insurance

Professional liability insurance is the first insurance to take out. This insurance allows you to cover your responsibilities in the event of damage caused to third parties. Called RC Pro, this guarantees the various damages, faults, prejudices or errors caused by you or by your team in the context of your professional activity. It can be bodily, material or immaterial damage.
Legal protection insurance

This insurance allows you to be represented and defended in legal proceedings opposing you to a third party. It covers legal fees and allows you to be informed and supported. The company legal protection guarantee intervenes to help you find an amicable solution, whether you request compensation from a third party for damage that you believe you have suffered or whether you wish to defend yourself against damage for which you will be responsible according to a third party.
Professional vehicle insurance

The law obliges all owners of motor vehicles to take out suitable insurance. Companies should logically take out company vehicle insurance. The minimum to purchase is third party liability insurance, also known as third party insurance, which covers damage caused to others in an accident. However, for optimal protection, it is essential to take out comprehensive insurance, especially in your case, because you will have to carry heavy loads, which is risky for you and for others. You must clearly specify to your insurer what you plan to transport, so that he can offer you the guarantees suited to your lumberjack activity.

You can also use specific vehicles, forestry machinery, logging or logging machinery, which must also be insured.
Personal insurance

If you employ staff, taking out additional company health insurance is mandatory and unavoidable. If you are self-employed, you can take out a Madelin mutual insurance offer which can also be extended to members of your family.

The subscription of provident insurance is also to be considered. There are many risks of injury, falling trees, working at height, using dangerous equipment,

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