Lifeguard insurance


Lifeguard: which insurance to take out?

A lifeguard is a sports educator of aquatic activities. Unlike the bathing supervisor, his role is not limited to the surveillance of bathing places. As part of his professional activity, he must lead aquatic activities and give swimming lessons to all types of public, whether they are babies, children, adults or the elderly.

Usually posted by the pool or perched on a high chair by the sea, the lifeguard (MNS) must be very attentive and be willing to provide emergency care in case of drowning, fainting or hydrocution. Focus on the insurance to take out to guarantee lifeguards against the various risks related to their profession!
The profession of lifeguard

The lifeguard is a safety professional who must have the necessary skills to ensure the safety and rescue of swimmers in difficulty. To practice his profession, he must have good interpersonal skills, a good sense of observation, good physical and nervous condition, patience and good pedagogical sense. Its role is to warn users of the risks of swimming through explicit information. He must inform them of the weather conditions allowing or not swimming.

He must also monitor the swimming area, be attentive and know how to anticipate drifts to avoid any accident. He must be an observer and know how to analyze the behavior of bathers. In the event of drowning, faintness or hydrocution, he must be reactive and be able to intervene as quickly as possible without putting his life or that of others in danger.

In addition, he must be in excellent physical condition and know how to keep his cool in serious situations and emergencies. As part of his job, the lifeguard (MNS) teaches babies, children, adults and the elderly to swim. Swimming lessons can be given individually or in groups. He must know how to give confidence to those who can not swim and motivate club licensees to exceed their limits during training sessions.

To exercise this profession, you must be the holder of the State certificate of sports educator option swimming activities (BEESAN), supplemented by the national certificate of first aid (BNS) and by the national certificate of safety and aquatic rescue (BNSSA). In short, lifeguards are not only lifeguards, they are also educators, pedagogues and animators.
Take out the appropriate insurance

As the lifeguard is one of the professions exposed to many risks and is a professional who works most of the time alone, he must take out the appropriate insurance. Without the right insurance contracts, he will not be able to prevent the risks associated with his professional activity. For optimal protection, it is strongly recommended to take out civil liability insurance, death insurance, accident insurance, legal protection insurance and additional health insurance, whether it is for full-time work or seasonal work.
Liability insurance

To cover material damage or bodily injury that the lifeguard may cause to a third party in the course of his professional activity, he must be covered for civil liability. These damages are in principle covered by the association or company insurance contract, but it is always useful to check with the club. Professional liability insurance guarantees the financial consequences incurred by the insured when he is responsible for material or bodily injury to a third party through negligence or recklessness. According to article 1384 of the Civil Code, it is up to the association to take out this insurance for the practitioner.
Death insurance

Purchasing life insurance can be very useful for the lifeguard. This coverage is a variation of life insurance. It helps maintain the financial balance of the family in the event of the death or disability of the professional. In the event of the death of the insured before the end of the contract, the designated beneficiary will receive a capital or an annuity, the amount of which is defined in advance in the insurance contract. Death insurance can be purchased for a limited period (term death insurance) or for life (whole life insurance). Always check the guarantees and exclusions before taking out a life insurance policy.
Life accident guarantee

Although it is not compulsory, the accident of life guarantee (GAV) is a control

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