How to Avoid Electronic Auto Theft

We now know that electronics, like it or not, are part of our daily lives. Auto theft is now also used in electronics. The metal key to start a car no longer exists. Virtually all vehicles today use an in-car remote control, and the majority of starters are push-button. This is convenient, but not very secure, as anything electronic can be hacked.

If you're like most people, you leave your car key on the living room table in the hall or in the closet in the hall, you are at risk. For about $ 500 a thief can purchase the equipment needed to steal a vehicle using a method called a "relay attack." Your key beeps. The equipment the thief bought contains a signal booster that picks up the signal from that key in the living room or entryway. The signal is relayed to another computer which is located near the car. The car is thus made to believe that the key is nearby to gain access to the vehicle and start it while the key is in the house. The operation takes barely 30 seconds and there is no break-in into the vehicle so no alarm, nothing. He only steals 500 cars a day in Canada and two from my immediate neighbors in the last month. It is the fastest and most modern way to steal a car.

Michael Faraday is a British physicist and chemist who worked on conductors and gave his name to all kinds of innovations. So you have Faraday's Laws, Faraday's Cavity, and even a Farad unit of measure. But, what interests us today is the principle of the Faraday cage. The Faraday cage is a metal structure sealed against electric or electromagnetic fields that protects what is inside from the outside. A car is a Faraday cage that prevents lightning from reaching you and also protects the electronic components of the car. If you want to protect yourself from electronic car theft, you can get a faraday box for around $ 30 and get into the habit of leaving your electronic vehicle keys inside. Thieves will not be able to pick up your key signal and will not be able to steal your car. You even have a small Faraday bag that you can keep with you in your purse or jacket which constantly keeps the signal out of the reach of hackers.

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