The School of Insurance
General presentation of ESA

Insurance School - Esal'EsCole Superior Insurance (ESA) is a private higher technical education institution (1901 Law Association) specialized for 30 years in insurance training.

Founded in 1980 by the National Federation of General Insurance Agent Unions (FNSAF) and the French Union of Insurers (SFAC), ESA was created to train future insurance world specialists, Equipped with a perfect knowledge of the sector and the market, and initiated, during the internships, the practices in force in the world of the company.

Insurance School - Esacette Insurance School offers 4 main types of training, namely:

- Remote formations
- Professional training
- Formations alternately
- Classical formations

ESA is currently headed by Mr Patrice-Michel Langlumed who, among other things, occupied during his career, the duties as Deputy Director General of AXA, Deputy Director General of the GAN, Director General of PFA Life, of Chief Executive Officer of the European Insurance and Director of Development of Malakoff Médéric.

ESA is administered by a board of directors, while the educational orientations of the training courses are fixed by a scientific council, also responsible for developing the programs of the curriculum, whose members are highly qualified professionals, mainly from the world of The company, but also worlds of teaching, law and finance.

ESA teaching teachers are, for their part, for the most part, organizational managers in insurance companies, subsidiaries of insurance companies and banks, but also in brokers or large industrial groups.

Higher Ecole of Insurance - Diploma Diplomas issued by the School of Insurance (ESA) all enjoy international recognition (since most of them are accredited by EABHES (European Accreditation Board of Higher Education Schools ), European institutional body designating universities and schools authorized to issue degrees of Bachelor, Master and MBA levels) or professional (since ESA vocational training courses gives rise to the issuance of CQP, securities created and issued by the National Joint Employment and Training Commission (brokerage branch).

Finally, the ESA is characterized by the fact that it seeks to constantly in contact its students and / or participants in its training (and this, throughout the duration of their training) with the professionals and recruiters of the insurance sector, including through the integration of internship periods into the entire curriculum, but also through the organization of events for the meeting between students and / or participants and Employers in the insurance sector.

Thus, each year the ESA organizes a forum entitled ESA Forum / Business, event allowing ESA students a privileged contact with insurance companies, to take the measurement of internships and d 'use

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