The insurance expert plays a crucial role in the disaster compensation process, since it is he who has the task of estimating the amount of damage suffered and to propose to the insured an amount of compensation. Although it is true that the expert intervenes most often after the realization of a claim, it is not excluded that it is used upstream of the signature of an insurance contract, in particular in order to evaluate the amount of a well insurable.

This page will take stock of the duties and skills of the insurance expert, in order to learn a little more about this insurance business, before being interested in the training course to access this profession . It will also describe the amount of salary that an insurance expert can hope to receive, before taking stock of the prospects of career development that can open to him.
Role and profile of the expert

Insurance ExpertL'Expert Insurance is above all a person specializing in a particular field or profession (building, construction, automotive repair, agriculture, air and maritime transport, medicine, art objects, etc.). Indeed, responsible for evaluating a property or, in case of disaster, the amount of damage caused by a damaging event (theft, accident, etc.), the insurance expert must have a very precise technical knowledge of the object (s). which are subject to its assessment.

The work provided by the insurance expert is divided into two distinct phases:
- the work done upstream of the subscription to an insurance contract,
- The work done after realization of a disaster.

Upstream of the subscription to an insurance contract, the insurance expert can be mandated by the insurance company for which he works or represents (in the event that he exercises independent), or called by An "insurance policyor" (a future eventual subscriber), in order to carry out preliminary expertise to estimate the value of the goods to be guaranteed. These goods can be diverse and varied as to their nature, knowing that it can be appraised of buildings, vehicles, industrial machines, or art objects.

After the occurrence of a disaster, the insurance expert will be mandated by the insurance company for which he works or represents as an independent provider to investigate the circumstances in which the said disaster. He is then asked, from the observations he makes of his advised eye, to identify the causes, to describe the circumstances and to estimate the amount of the damage or the injury suffered by the insured. This type of work done by the insurance expert is what could be called a "fieldwork".

His task however does not stop there because he must then indulge in a file tracking job, which consists of:
- Write reports on the expertise he has made,
- propose an amount of care, in compensation of the damage suffered, for each appraised loss, while taking into account the clauses and the guarantee amounts contained in the subscribed contract,
- Negotiate, if any, with the insureds, to make them accept the proposals he submits them.

In order to be able to carry out the tasks incumbent on it, the insurance expert must therefore have extensive technical knowledge and control the legal rules inherent in the insurance contract and the compensation mechanisms.

In addition to these technical and legal competencies, the insurance expert must have a keen sense of relational and human contact, knowing that his duties can sometimes cause him to come into contact with persons in shock, following the occurrence of 'disaster. It must therefore be able to communicate with tact and diplomacy with the people he rubs shoulders with.

Finally, since each claim puts it in the face of a different situation, the insurance expert must acquire and cultivate the ability to question and to self-train, by drawing the lessons of the experiences to which his activity professional allows him to confront himself.
Training of the expert

EXPERT TRAINING INSURANCE EXPERT DISPLACEMENT DOES NOT HAVE AN ACCOUND TRAINING COURSE: However, it is difficult to access this business without a minimum level of BAC +2 training. The level of training of the experts usually extends from Bac +2 to Bac +5.

The exercise of this insurance business requires to follow a specific curriculum, a function of the field of skills in which the insurance expert will want to specialize.

Thus the person who will destroyed to carry out body accident expertise will have to follow a doctor's training, the one that will seek to specialize in industrial risks, will follow an engineer training

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