The insurance business include all the businesses in which professional actors employed in the insurance industry. The level of training required to access the business of insurance extends generally Bac +2 to Bac +5 or +6 tray, and depends not only on the technical work to be done within the post, but above responsibilities to shoulder to carry it out.

The insurance business lines include rich occupations ranges and varied: in fact, the Observatory of the evolution of the Insurance Professions identified 16 families of trades related to insurance, themselves composed of many sub -familles. These job families are related to the sectors of the following insurance:

1) Design and product adaptation
2) Technical control and prevention
3) Contract Management
4) Commercial
5) Accounting
6) Reinsurance
7) Administration
8) Secretariat and assistantship
9) Communication
10) Asset Management
11) Computer and Telecommunication
12) Research and Consulting
13) Management and organization
14) Logistics
15) Human resources
16) Directorate.

Trades of assuranceIl not matter here, as part of this very brief presentation of the business of insurance, to give an exhaustive description of the families of the insurance businesses, and even less of each business that the up. It is only to raise awareness to the user that insurance is a very diverse sector (unlike what perhaps one might think at first), and that professions that are very together different from each other.

For each of the areas of insurance that we present here, we proceeded starting with present in a few lines, as part of an introduction, the business in question, before giving a definition and a more detailed description to allow to clearly define what type of work associated with it. We then give some information about the course or training to access the said business of insurance before providing information on the wage level that is most often associated.

Finally, we conclude the presentation of each insurance business by addressing the issue of career development it is possible to glimpse in a few years devoted to learning and / or exercise of this post.

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