Risk Management's approach
Risk assessment

Risk Management - Starting This is remembered, any economic activity results in risks: these are the risks that leaders must manage and above all to be able to develop an effective risk management strategy.

The evaluation phase within the Risk Management process involves:

- to identify the risks to minimize them,
- to financially bear the burden of those who are considered acceptable,
- to initiate outsourcing processes of processing by third parties the risks associated with certain activities,
- to transfer certain risks to insurance companies.
Risk management

Risk Management - risk management of risk management, there are four methods to be able to face it:

1) The risk is avoided, renouncing the activity that presents one,
2) we accept the risk and, in this case, if the risk is insurable and that it is desired to transfer it, one contracts an insurance,
(3) we reduce the risk, by trying to control it by protective and prevention measures,
(4) The risk is transferred, using a subcontracting company responsible for taking charge of risk activity.

All risks that can be listed within a company and supported as part of a Risk Management Plan concern two types of assets: non-financial assets and financial assets.
Risk management related to non-financial assets

Non-financial assets are the circulating or immobilized assets of the company (building, vehicles, machines) in addition to the staff employed in the context of the activity.

The Risk Management has several tools to manage these risks:

- prevention (prevention involves the prior risk assessment),
- risk diversification (diversification consists, for the company, to invest in new activities),
- insurance (insurance covers only insurable risk),
- Financial assets.
Risk management related to financial assets

A financial asset is a title or contract with a certain risk taking and which is most often transferable and negotiable (for example in a financial market). The financial asset is likely to produce its holder of income and capital gains, in return for the taking of risk that it agrees to assume.

The risks associated with financial assets cover four risks:

- the counterparty risk: it is the risk that the party with which a contract has been concluded does not hold its commitments (delivery, payment ...)
- Rate risk: it is the risk that the credit rate is unfavorably evolving
- the currency risk: it is the risk on the variations of the currencies between them
- the liquidity risk: it is the risk on the ease to buy or resell an asset

Regardless of the size of the company, each type of risk requires an appropriate response and must be taken into account in the development of the Risk Management Plan.
ESA MBA Pedagogical Objectives ESA Management

MBA Risk Management - OBJECTIVESThe MBA in Risk Management of ESA's main objective is to train participants in the audit and risk management methodology and enable them to access Risk Manager positions.

The Risk Management training proposed by the ESA is very complete and aims to provide students and / or participants:

- the general approach and the main audit techniques,
- a methodology that applies to any type of risk,
- the different tools available to companies for the transfer or retention of risks,
- Prevention and action tools.

Thus, at the end of their training, the participants gained a global vision and an understanding of the risks to which the company is exposed, while having been confronted with the modern realities of business management.
Titles and diplomas issued by the MBA Risk Management of ESA

The MBA in Risk Management of the ESA gives rise to the issuance of a diploma and three accreditations:
European MBA: Risk Management and Insurance

MBA Risk Management - EABHES

Diploma of "European Master of Business Administration (MBA): Risk Management and Insurance", Diploma accredited by The European Accreditation Board of Higher Education Schools (Eabhe), European institutional organization designating universities and schools authorized to issue diplomas of Bachelor, Master and MBA level.
ARM 54

MBA Risk Management - Arm 54

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