How to terminate?

    Two cases of figure may arise:

    For mandatory insurance, it is the new selected insurer that will proceed with the request for termination from the old insurer. The new insurer must ensure the continuity of coverage during this operation. Are concerned car insurance, motorcycle as well as home insurance for a tenant;
    For other insurance (case of home insurance for an owner for example), the insured who wishes to terminate his insurance contract should notify his insurer by simple mail, fax or e-mail.
    Contracts subscribed by professionals

Health and professional insurance contracts may not be terminated each year: another periodicity of termination is then indicated by the contract.

To terminate, the insured must send a request by registered letter before the start of the cancellation notice appears in its contract. The acknowledgment of receipt is not mandatory, but it is the only way to be sure that the insurance company has received the request for termination. If the contract has been replaced when applying for a modification, the due date and the notice to be taken into account are entered on the last contract. If the deadlines have not been respected, the contract is not terminated and the contribution for the coming year remains due.

    Life insurance

The insurer can not oblige the insured to pay his contribution. On the other hand, for periodic contracts, it must send a registered letter, at the earliest within ten days, after the due date, to indicate that, in the absence of payment within the forty days, the contract will be reduced or resiliated. A reduced contract continues until end with lower guarantees.

    Moving, Marriage, Retirement

Whatever its duration, the contract can be terminated on occasion:

    a move (multi-risk dwelling);
    a change change or marital status (marriage, divorce, widowhood), or as a result of a modification of the marriage contract;
    a change of profession;
    the cessation of professional activities;

provided that the change is related to the covered risk.

The request for termination, which must be made by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, can only intervene within three months of the date of the event and takes effect one month after receipt by the other Party of the notification. The insurer must return the part of the contribution for the period or the risk is no longer covered.
Sale, purchase, inheritance

These circumstances do not allow to terminate the contract from the occurrence of the event. Except in case of sale of a motor vehicle or a boat, the contract is automatically transferred to the new owner. To it to have it put on its name, to request any modifications or to terminate it. It is possible to terminate the contract within three months from the day or the definitive attribute of the insured objects requested the transfer of the contract to its name.

In case of sale or donation of a vehicle or boat, the insurance is suspended at midnight, the day of the sale of the car or the boat. The termination of the contract may be requested from the insurer. This becomes effective ten days after receiving the letter by the insurer. Pro rata of the contribution for the non-insurance period is reimbursed. In the absence of reinstatement or termination by the insured or the insurer, the termination comes from right within six months of the sale.

    The suspension of the contract

Apart from the case of automatic suspension provided for in the insurance code (sale of the vehicle, non-payment of the contribution, etc.), the insurer is not required to respond favorably to a request for suspension of contract.

    Total loss of the insured thing

In case of total loss of the insured thing resulting from an event not covered by the contract, the insurance ends full right. The insurer must then reimburse the contribution part for the period when the risk is no longer covered.

    The termination of the contract by the insurer

The insurer, like the insured, can generally terminate an insurance contract at the end of a period of one year. He does not have to justify his decision. In addition, the law generally allows insurance companies to terminate a contract after a disaster or in case of non-payment of the contribution by the insured. They must respect the terms and conditions provided for by the Insurance Code.

    The insurer will resilient at maturity

The insurer must respect a two-month notice for contracts subscribed by individuals and send his letter by registered mail. It must indicate to the insured the reason for the unilateral termination of its contract.

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