How to cancel your auto insurance?

The auto insurance market is highly competitive. There is a plethora of offers in the market, each with its own unique value for money. If you want to cancel your current insurance because you have found better somewhere else (or simply because you have sold your vehicle), know that you will have to do the right thing. Let's see how to end your auto insurance.


    Can you cancel auto insurance at any time?
    When can you cancel your auto insurance?
    The termination of auto insurance with the Hamon law
    Our model auto insurance termination letter
    Can the insurer cancel my auto insurance?
    In which case should you cancel your auto insurance?

Can you cancel auto insurance at any time?

Auto insurance is an automatic contract, even for unlicensed cars. It continues each year after the due date. It is possible to cancel your auto insurance before or after this deadline, but only in certain cases or by respecting certain rules.

Here are the main cases in which you can terminate your auto coverage:

    Sale of the insured vehicle;
    At the first expiry of the contract;
    At any time after one year of insurance;
    In the event of a change in your personal or professional situation;
    If the risk worsens.

Please note: Auto insurance is compulsory if you keep your vehicle, even if it does not or does not drive much. In short, it must be insured at all times.

By change in your situation, we mean a change that has an impact on the insured risk: move, transfer, etc. If the risk is not changed, the event invoked will not be “accepted” by the insurer. .

What about the increased risk? Note that if the risk changes (you want to add a new driver for example), you must inform the insurer within 15 days. The latter can make you a new insurance proposal or terminate your contract for this reason. If you do not accept his new proposal (including pricing), you can cancel.

It is possible to terminate your car insurance without a transfer certificate (in principle mandatory) if it is an auction or a vintage car.

In the event of free sale or transfer of the insured vehicle, the contract will be suspended the next day at midnight. It must then be terminated within the following 10 calendar days. Send a registered letter to your insurer specifying the date of the sale and attach a copy of the deed. Ditto in the event of theft of your car.

In the event of a sale, it is also possible to request a suspension of guarantees while waiting to find a new vehicle.
When can you cancel your auto insurance?

The termination of the car contract is possible from the first expiry. Please note here: this does not necessarily mean the date of signing + 1 year. It is possible that the expiry date is different, and fixed in the contract (October 31 for Maaf contracts for example).

Why are we only talking about the first deadline here? Because after this date, the insured will be able to terminate his contract at any time with the Hamon law (which we will see next).

Formalism level, nothing very complicated: all you need to do is send a termination letter at least 2 months before the deadline. The postmark will prevail. It is also possible to terminate the contract electronically if the insurer accepts it (via your personal space for example). Remember that if you keep the vehicle, you will have to prove to the insurer that you have taken out another contract elsewhere.

Observe this 2-month deadline, otherwise the new annual subscription will be deducted.

Since the Chatel law of 2005, policyholders must be informed when the expiry date (and their option of termination) approaches. The company must therefore remind you, at least 15 days before, of the deadline for exercising your right of termination:

    If it does so late, you will have an additional 20 days from the date of notification,
    If it doesn't at all (that you don't get notice), you can cancel your contract at any time, with no fees or penalties.

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