Carpooling: practical arrangements

Its principle is simple: it is the sharing of a vehicle by several occupants moving in the same direction. This allows, for example, to neighbors, students or colleagues to use a single vehicle to go to their vacation, study or work.

Carpool can be organized, either directly between motorists and passengers or through an association or company ((via an application for example).

There are mainly two ways to use the vehicle (s), especially in the case of regular carpooling:

    in turn in turn of the vehicle of each covooire, which is thus alternately conductive and passenger;
    Use of a single vehicle and participation of passengers at travel expenses (fuel, toll).

Carpooling: the precautions to be taken in the insurance

Whatever the carpooling formula adopted, it is preferable that the motorist declares him to his insurer. The latter can thus appreciate the guaranteed risks and draw the attention of the insured to certain points, especially when carpooling is practiced for a fee. Thus, it must be ensured that the declared use in the contract takes into account the path of the home at the workplace, for example. Otherwise, the insured may not be covered in the event of an accident.

Similarly, before giving the wheel to one of its passengers, the driver must verify that his contract does not have an exclusive conduct clause. Indeed, the latter may provide that certain guarantees of the contract are granted only if the vehicle is conducted exclusively by the driver named.

Even when his contract includes the flying loan, the motorist must know that:

    If the occasional driver causes an accident, it is the subscriber of the insurance that will be penalized with a penalty;
    If the occasional driver is novice (ie license holder for less than three years or license holder of three years and more but can not justify effective insurance over the last three years preceding the Subscription of the contract), the insurance contract may include the application of a higher franchise, which would remain the responsibility of the subscriber, in the event of an accident.

Carpooling: the rules of compensation in the event of an accident

The property damage suffered by the vehicle will be reimbursed according to the established responsibilities and the guarantees of the contract. However, in case of total liability of the driver, and in the absence of guarantees damage to the vehicle (damage all accidents or collision damages), the insurer will not take charge of the hardware damage of the vehicle.

Passenger bodily injury, whether or not they share transportation costs with the driver, will be fully compensated by the vehicle insurer, under the mandatory liability warranty, unless they have committed an inexcusable fault, exclusive cause of the accident.

On the other hand, if the driver responsible for the accident is injured, it will be compensated for the condition that the vehicle insurance contract used includes an optional warranty covering the body damage suffered by any authorized conductor.

To know
Carpooling platforms sometimes offer insurance for all occupants of the vehicle that use their service. This insurance completes the driver's assurance by reimbursing the amount of the franchise eventually provided for in his auto insurance contract, in the event of a flying loan. It also offers assistance guarantees including the care of the vehicle, or a routing and / or accommodation in case of immobilizing problem.

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